Coven and Clan

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Supernaturals exist but hide from humans in this modern day scenario. Not all ocs listed may be used in a rp, they're just possibilities.

Often supernatuals form themselves into small groups, saftey in numbers. These groups provide for each other and work together to keep their existence a secret.

A coven is what a group of dark magic creatures is called. Vampires and earth walking demons often form themselves into these groups as it makes it easier for things such as collecting blood. Each coven had a coven master, the leader and main protector of the group.  Often the coven lives together in the same house or general neighborhood.

Aqua-Marie is leader of this coven. Her house appears to be a small blue one in a simple town but on a hidden lower level lives her coven.

Dante and Beaumont
The tri-soul

Blake occasionally visits but is not part of the coven.



A clan is a group of shifters or hybrids who live together. These are often larger groups consisting of predator or prey. On rate occasions both will live together. They form their own communities hidden in forests, living in the ways of their ancestors and worshiping the hybrid goddess Aliqu.

Chief changes based on the rp.

Head warrior changed based on the rp. Usually
Roxy (werewolf)
Octavia (kitsune)

Clan healer
Ahri (Kitsune)


Majavee (fox)
James (kitsune)
Ahri (kitsune)
Mocha (kitsune)
Vadran (Neko)
Elyse and Rin (Neko)
Cailee (dragon)
Mavati (dragon)
Rhea (phoenix)
Emilee (harpy)
Reeva (siren)
Saphira (mermaid)
Simon (merman)
Daniel (look at his page)
Kassidy (spider)
Magenta (werewolf)
Villey and Talia (bunnys)

Let's make a scenario perfect for you! Comment may I on this page along with if you want the coven or clan. We can make a scenario to best fit your oc.

Possibilities for coven:
A hunter trying to take out the coven.

Kidnapped as a blood slave.

New creature of dark looking for shelter.

Or anything you make up.

Possible scenarios for clan:
Hunter going after the hybrids.

Slave trader wanting the hybrids.

Hybrid seeking shelter.

Curious traveler stumbling upon the den.

Or anything else you make up

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