Star Wars AU

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You guys I'm sorry I couldn't resist. I saw this fanart of Philinda as jedi, and I had to fic it.

Summary: Philinda as jedi. That's it.

Note: some of this won't make sense unless you have watched Star Wars, the Clone Wars. (A.K.A. the animated series) also, even I don't understand the plot of this story. I think they saved a planet or something... I'm really not sure. P.S., if I wanted a canon character to appear, I added them in. Oh, and some minor Obitine. I like Obitine.



"Drop your weapons and come with us, Jedi!" A battle droid said in his robotic voice.

Expertly twirling her dark blue Lightsaber, Jedi master Melinda May stood back to back with her fellow Jedi master Phillip Coulson, and her padawan Daisy Johnson. Phil nodded to her, and they told the approaching battle droids, "come and get us!"

Not knowing the doom that they were marching toward, the droids advanced. Flashing a small smile, Melinda easily cut down the first droid. Phil was behind her, Daisy between them. Daisy impaled a robot on her two short green sabers. "You call this 'fun', master?" Daisy asked Melinda with a small laugh.

"Trust the force." Was Melinda's answer as she swiftly defeated the droids, spinning through the ranks, outdoing the fight. Out of every droid that Phil or Daisy cut down, Melinda destroyed three more. Phil, on the other end, was much better at deflecting the shots on his ice blue Lightsaber. He covered for the two other Jedi, and sent the laser shots right back at the droids.

"Go tell your commander that you shall not mess with us!" Melinda ordered to the last two droids that stood. She had already disarmed them, and the droids screeched "Roger, Roger!" Before turning their heal and running. Melinda paused, and threw her saber, using the force. It sliced cleanly through the second droid, and she pulled her Lightsaber back through the air. "What? It only takes one to deliver a message." She told Phil and Daisy, and turned off her glowing blade. The two other Jedi followed her example.

"Off to Mandalore?" Daisy asked, following Melinda and Phil as they headed in the direction of their starship. "Droids are stupid. If they really wanted to capture us, they should have destroyed our ship." Daisy muttered.

"Once we arrive, we will meet up with General Kenobi and Skywalker." Phil reminded them.

"Ugh he is so annoying." Melinda groaned.

"Skywalker? But he is the chosen one!" Daisy protested.

"The annoying, bratty, full-of-himself chosen one." Melinda sighed. "Plus, he hardly thinks before charging into things!"

"Handle your emotions, Mel. Anger leads to hate, hate leads to the dark side." Phil told her.

"I am. And I know." She replied, nodding in his direction. "Fire up the engine, R2-J3!" Melinda commanded.

"Beep-woo-boo-wee!" The R2 unit squealed it answer. The ship's door opened, and the three Jedi strode on. Phil and Melinda went to the cockpit, Daisy following, taking a seat behind her master.

Melinda flipped the controls, pushed buttons, and pushed the fuel lever. "You still have fly at some point." Melinda said, regarding Phil, who had plopped down in the co-pilots seat.

"Yeah, well, you do it better." He told her, and Melinda smirked in response.

"Oh, poor Phil is scared he will crash." Melinda teased him.

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