爱 - Part 3/?

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Guess who's still too lazy to paragraph indent all this!!! Well, here's another instalment of the Philindaisy China Fic! I hope you like it! Tell me what you think 😉


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    Daisy sat on the bus, wearing a huge grin the entire time. On the way to the market from the museum, she grinned. Even that evening, when May was trying to find a street food vendor that was even a stone's throw in the acceptable standards for the American Health Code Regulations, Daisy was smug. Phil kept throwing her warning glances, clearly regretting telling Daisy about his plans. Twice Phil mimed cutting off his head in warning.

"I found one I trust. It shouldn't make you two sick." Melinda walked them through the night market, leading the two others to an open streetside stand, selling only one dish. "It has something pretty authentic too." May says, and Daisy squints at her with suspicion.

May wastes no time ordering and paying for three paper-wrapped meals, and she returned , handing Phil and Daisy theirs before saying, "This is called tongzi ji."

Melinda watched Daisy with amusement as the girl's face went through a series of expressions while Daisy processed the words. "Did you just say... virgin chicken?"

"Well, that might be the direct translation, but really, it's just Spring Chicken. It's referring to young chickens who have been raised for eating, not breeding." Phil suddenly snickered. "What?" May asked.

"Isn't it actually, 'Chicken without sexual life?'"

"No. It's just like I said." Melinda shook her head at his shenanigans. "Eat your chicken."

"Yes Ma'am." Phil nodded, unwrapping his supper and taking a bite. "This is great," He told her.

"Good." Melinda nodded.

As they walked towards the bus stop with intentions of getting back to the hotel, Phil took Melinda's hand, and Daisy fell back, watching with her camera ready. She listened to their slow conversation, contemplating the older agent's relationship. She wanted someone like that. May had Coulson. Jemma had Fitz. Elena had Mack. But Daisy was still looking for her perfect someone. The someone who would follow her to the ends of the Earth, knowing she would do the same. The someone who would mourn with her, smile with her, make her try weird things with them. Someone to laugh with and love.

Someone who would be as excited as Coulson was to propose to May as they were to her.

The entire trip back, it never happened.

"We have an early flight to Xi'an tomorrow morning." Phil said, setting his keycard in the slot by the door to turn on the Hotel room's electricity once the three agents were back. "Once we get to Xi'an, we will take another tour bus from the airport to the Terracotta Warriors," Phil read from the schedule, "We have four hours there. Then we can pick up lunch at the nearby market and shop the rest of the day, until we have to get to the North Train Station for the Soft Sleeper Overnight ride to Chongqing."

"Sounds busy." Daisy said.

"No doubt. Get your rest." Melinda advised, changing into her nightclothes and climbing into bed. "I'm exhausted," Melinda sighed.

"What did I hear? Did somebody say that they need a back rub?" Phil asked.

"From you? Always," Melinda agreed.

Daisy opened a bottle of water, taking her nightly vitamins and downing the rest. Setting the bottle on the nightstand, Daisy opened the remaining can of Cucumber Pringles -well, STAX really. May's look of disapproval of her snacking flavor choices was more than enough to convince Daisy to eat one and dramatically express her enjoyment. May's face contorted with disgust, but her features melted the second Coulson's hands found her shoulders, massaging her sore muscles.

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