
387 19 52

Haha, you thought this was going to be a chapter...
So look people, I dunno if you are reading this on a computer because I am typing on a phone so the format may be different, I hope not too much.
Just so ya know.... I'm a girl
I love Hamilton and Lams most of all
I've written fan fics before about 1D I used to be a sorta fan...DON'T JUDGE


1. Please comment, I love to read your thoughts as many of them are intresting

2. No sexual comments please, I guess? I don't think there is gonna be anything anyways

3. Don't be mean, judge, or offend anyone in the comments the characters or me because I dont feel like writing more

4. People make mistakes. My auto correct is random, no need to be bothered more about it

5. Say hi if you read this....only if you want :)

And 6. ENJOY!

Adios~ Turtlboi :)

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