Chapter 25

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××Laurens POV××

I kinda feel bad for Lafayette. He didn't deserve to be yelled at.

I quickly packed up all my stuff and ran to the living room, shouting to my dad, "There's an emergency at the college I need to go. Goodbye, sir!"

And I dashed out.

I quickly got an Uberr and told him to go to the nearest airport.

"Such in a rush! Why so?" He asked.

"I have emergency!" I quickly made up. Although it wasn't a full lie. Alexander was like my family.

"So. What's really wrong?" He asked me.

"I have this boyfriend. And I got this call from my friend saying that he wasn't doing well at all. I don't know what's wrong with him. All I know is that he's really scared. His name is Alexander." I quickly explained, an expression of worry shining on my face.

"Alexander. I used to have a brother with the same name. We were so close. They used to say, 'Ah, there are James and Alex, of course, together as always!' And people would smile. We got seperated though. I haven't seen him since we were little." He sighed.

James. Same name as Alexander's brother. Most likely a coincidence though. I mean, my cousin's name was James. Anyways, Alexander said he saw his brother die.

"I'm sorry. I hope life turns out better for you." I said.

"It's okay. I have a life now with all my friends. We have this YouTube channel and all. We are actually going to Vidconn in a few weeks. You should definetly come with your boyfriend." He smiled.

"Of course. And uh, just take me to the  Deltaa Terminal. I'll get off there." I pointed ahead.

"Here you are!" I smiled as he waved goodbye.

"Thank you!" I quickly said as I rushed out.

I made my way to the customer services area and spoke with the employee.

"Hi, ma'am! I need an immediate ticket for your next flight. Economy will do." I quickly said.

"I'm sorry sir, but all we have is first class. It leaves in 30 minutes, and is about to board in 5. Will that work?" She apologized.

"Yes, yes. That should be good. How much?" I asked.

"500 dollars." She nodded.

It was actually pretty good. Airplane tickets right now were very, very expensive.

I handed over my credit card, got the ticket and ran through security.

Okay. I rushed.

Fine. I pushed through the security check line and got to the top. And practically ran through the metal detector.

Then I rushed to my gate to see that they were boarding already.

"Class A, please line up for boarding. Class A." The man over the speakerphone announced.

I lined up, along with 12 other people and walked through the tunnel to the airplane.

I'm not a big fan of airplanes really. They make me tense up if I begin to think about them too much. You know, think about...what could my mom...

Once I got in I found my seat 4A. It was very nice. It had a big area in front and a large desk next to it.

A few minutes, more like 20 really, passed by and I was sitting and watching economy fill up.

"Never sat in first?" The man next to me asked. He was about the same age as my dad.

"Yep. I was in a rush and this was the only seat left so...yeah." I tried to steer away from the conversation.

"Mhm. What's the emergency?" He asked.

"My boyfriend is in trouble... and it's very important." I nodded my head.

"I hope your boyfriend becomes better, uhh?"

"John. John Laurens. And thank you sir." I smiled at him.

"No need to call me sir, Mr. Hamilton will do just fine." He chuckled.

I smiled at him and then began to relax a bit. I brought my chair down a bit and layed down. Drifting into sleep.

^^^5 hours later^^^

I woke up to the feeling of someone poking me.

"Mr. Laurens? John? The plane is landing." I heard Mr. Hamilton's voice.

I opened my eyes and saw him standing at my side.

"Thank you for waking me up." I smiled as I gathered my things.

After 10 minutes I was off the plane and back home. I decided to order a taxi, since it would only take 2 minutes.

The weather was cloudy and stormy. I fully realized what was going on with Alexander.

As soon as I got in the taxi we were there and I ran to my dorm. I could see people rushing into their own dorms and I heard doors close.

"Where is he?!" I yelled at Lafayette.

"John! He's out there!" He pointed outside to a bench.

I quickly ran down the stairs and saw Alexander.

"John." He sobbed.

"It's okay Alexander, I'm here. Shh, it's okay..." I whispered as I hugged him.

The rain was pouring down hard. I hugged Alexander tightly as he calmed down.

"I love you, John." He whispered.

"I love you too." I smiled and pulled him in for a kiss.

We stood there for a long time and I finally let go, holding his hand and bringing him back to our dorm.

"We should probably go change." I laughed, as we came in soaking wet and ruining the hardwood floors.

"Yeah." Alex whispered.

We walked into the bedroom and changed into comfier and dry clothes and lay on my bed, cuddling.

"You know, my father got mad." I sighed.

"I'm sorry John." He put his hand on my cheek.

"It's okay. I'm old enough to not have to listen to him. I can do whatever I want with my life and he has no say in it. And that's that."

"What DO you want to do with your life?" Alexander asked.

"I want to be with you." I smiled.

"Me too." He smiled back.

"Thank you for letting me back into your life, John." He said.

"Thank you for coming back." I said.

We both lay there for a long time, staring into each others eyes and smiling.

It's like past midnight and I'm writing this. What am I doing with my life?

~Turtlboi :)


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