Chapter 8

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Honestly these chapters are too long, I've gotta give myself a break. Because you know what happened when Alex didn't... why am I laughing at myself? I make the worst and meanest jokes...

××Alexander's POX××

We decided to try to get back John's memory. So since Laf and Mylligan were the people he met first he had to talk a walk in the park.

"Haha, so what do you guys do?" John asked them.

"We go to King's College!" Mulligan replied happily as he brought over napkins. Poor John's t-shirt.

"Oh really? I live there too! I take... law classes!" John thought for a few seconds.

"Wow, that sounds like too much work... I'm good with music." Laf replied, pretending to be a bit shocked.

Finally they re-exchanged phone numbers and the next scene came on. The L'amour est Pour Tous Resturant
Set. I was nervous, I felt like I was going to mess up. Meanwhile, John changed his outfit, he seemed to take it so normally, like it wasn't fake.

I went to go sit down at my table. Soon enough we got the others to sit down, gave John water and began to push him around so the water would spill on me. I was surprised that it did.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry, let me go get napkins!" John rushed out.

Once he was back I thanked him,          "Thanks, John! It wasn't your fault."

"No problem! So did you get rejected on a date because you haven't eaten anything in like 2 hours." He laughed, which was plain adorable.

We continued talking and I felt like he was improving! He would say exact lines that he had said before and tell me that I had already told him about something. It was just great.

××Laurens POV××

Why do I like this boi?
You may ask?

He is adorable, funny, smart, and cute and just perfect. I felt this weird sense of deja vu but nothing came back to me. Why should I even like this kid though? He probably doesn't even like me. But this, it just felt so natural to me...

I started to talk to Alexander and got to know him better. I already felt like I knew bits and pieces about him. Like how he was in a horrible hurricane. Or how he has no family and it currently lonely. I felt bad for him, but I was happy we were in the same college!

We kept talking but it was becoming a bit repetitive for me... I don't know why....

Then I got to go to a cafe! It was amazing! They seemed to have such good coffee. A hundred times better than the hospital coffee. Laffayette and Mulligan were waving from the windows as me and Alex walked a small distance. They made these weird kissy faces and I was so embarrassed. The amount I blushed would be enough for a whole makeup set or whatever they're called. I was happy that Alex was looking back so he wouldn't see them.

"Hey, Alex? Can I tell you something?" I asked him shyly..

"Sure, go ahead!" He replied with a bubbly attitude.

"So... um... I'm gay." I whispered into his ear.

"Well that is just fine with me cause I'm Bi!" He replied with a smile on his face.

So I can actually have a chance with this boy? I could? For real? What? That's absurd. We kept walking towards the cafe and finally got there.

"Ooh, look who's here! It's the boyfr-" I don't know why but it just felt like an instinct to secretly punch Laf in the stomach.

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