Chapter 6

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What will HaPpEn??? I don't know, I just write this stuff :D

××Lauren's POV××

The hug Alex gave me was probably the best one I ever had. But I felt friendzoned.

He was keeping a small distance from me. And at the same time I had to too.

I had school I needed to focus on. We both wrote essays against slavery. It was for our Law in the Past extra credit course.

But sometimes...Sometimes he would become so distant. He would come and go without talking to me much, we wouldn't go to get coffee much, if not at all.

I still stayed awake though. I stayed up to make sure he was still breathing, for at least 2 hours before I could sleep myself. He meant so much to me, even though he was distant.

One day I finally asked him if he wanted to get coffee, I saw him in the hallway.

"Hey! Alexander!" I waved to him across the hallway.

He saw me, turned the other direction and continued walking. Away from me. So I ran. I ran right towards our dorm, locked the door and hid under my bedsheets.

I cried
About Alexander.
About how he never seems to talk to me anymore.
How we are less of friends.

I heard a knock on the door. Who in the world knocks now? We never get visitors.

I opened the door to find Laf standing there, with a sympathetic face.

"Mon ami!" He immediately hugged me.

"Laf..." I hugged him back, and sobbed.

I explained everything to him, using up a box of tissues in the process. I explained how Alexander was ignoring me and never came outside except for classes. How we talked less and less.

"Oh no... I know it is hard for you. But I am pretty sure about one thing..." he said in a deep french accent.

"A-and what's that?" I sniffed.

"You haven't been the greatest either. I know how much you want to focus on school work, and not get into anything dramatic. But... but your relationship with your roommate is failing." He explained to me.

"You're right. I need to find him."

"He is at our house, hurry up!" Laf told me as I ran out the door.

××Alexander's POV××

I've been ignoring John. I feel like he is doing the same. I hate doing this to him, but I have things to do. There's a million things I haven't done.

Then one day as I was walking back to the dorm, John called out to me.
I couldn't. I was done. I had to just pretend to ignore him. Once I was out of his view I ran. I ran to Mulligan's house.

While I was running I could feel a sharp wind hit my face as I cried. People cleared the sidewalk when i was running. 'I must look like an idiot' I thought.

The moment I got there Mulligan opened the door and hugged me while I cried.

"I c-can't keep doing th-this..." I told him.

"It was pretty obvious you were both ignoring each other, man. You guys never came over, and if you did it was separately." He explained.

"You're right. But what should I do? He won't forgive me..."

"I'm sure he will. What you need to do right now if find him and apologize." Mulligan said as he found my coat and handed it over.

So I bolted out of the door and ran.

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