Chapter 10

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Spending my life on Instagram was probably the worst/best decision I have ever made.

××Lauren's POV××

Well, Seabury had his own problems, sure. But he was never really close to Jefferson. They just met last year. The thing was, however, Jefferson had things, against everyone. And Seabury? He had a past.

The moment I got punched by him, I knew someone had sent for him. Madison most likely, aka, Jefferson's so-called "boyfriend".

(A/N, sorry this is really random but just at this moment I was reading some book about how Laurens was straight and that Lams doesn't make sense, and I just sat there like, HOW DARE THEY!! I've calmed down, do not worry.)

Alexander pulled me away before I threw a punch right at his face and quickly whisper-yelled," We do NOT need more things happening to you, John!"

I agreed before I began to be scolded, especially because Alex can be mean when he wants to.

We finally got to Mr. Washington's class and sat down immediately, followed by Jefferson who had returned from the wrong class, Madison who was trailing after him like a puppy, Seabury who smirked and kicked me as he lingered on by, and Lee who was stuck to his phone screen texting someone.

"Oh look! It's the two looovebirds!" Seabury snickered.

"More of a title than you'll ever have, Seabury." I snapped right back at him.

"What's got you grumpy, John? Haven't had your daily hug from Alexander?" He threw at me.

"It's okay, you don't have to be shy! I already know your falling for me!" I happily/sarcastically explained to him as Alex and I turned back in our seats.

"Nice one!" Alex high-fived me as Mr. Washington walked through the door.

(A/N those comebacks took me forever to make up)

The class felt like entirety. We learned about the most random things that we should know for Law classes next year. That was things like Objections which we already learned about.

"Listen up, class! Starting today there will be a stack of papers next to Student Services, for the debate tournament that will take place right here in Kings College." Mr. Washington continued explaining as I looked over to Alex who had this twinkle in his eyes and looked so excited. He lit up my world and meant so much to me, but what if he lost his feelings for me again, and just missed me because I was his closest friend?

Hello darkness my old friend, I heard the song being played on my earphones as Alex and I walked out of the classroom hall.

"The debate thing is definetely going to be fun!" Alex cheerfully skipped next to me.

"Um, yeah! But I'm more excited for the Spring Ball!" I replied.

"The Spring Ball! Oh yeah! I've heard of it!" He said as we unlocked the door to our room.

Alex seemed to act a bit strange. I knew he was happy that I was back, he showed it, but he just didn't seem to go back to the whole 'boyfriend' thing. Did he lose his feelings for me?

"I'm going to go take a nap, 'kay?" I told him as I trailed back to our room.

"Okay! I'm going to go shopping with the Schuyler Sisters, anyways I know you don't enjoy shopping." He said sympathetically.

I mean he wasn't wrong, I really hated shopping.

He slammed the door behind him as he walked out of our dorm.

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