Chapter 22

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NEXT! Honestly this never stops :P but first off, you guys are so wonderful! Each and everyone of you, and for some reason none of you think this is trash, which is why I now think you have all been brainwashed. (This is my sarcasm, I'm not out of my mind or anything rn :) )

××Lauren's POV××

Alex helped a lot in packing up, which was really helpful, since I was never too great at this stuff.

"Okay, so here is all you have. 6 tshirts, 5 pants, and all personal hygiene stuff times two since I know you will lose them all." He said.

"You know me too well." I smiled.

"Of course I do. If I didn't, who would make sure you didn't go a day without brushing your teeth?"

"Thanks, Alexander."

"Anytime, Laurens."

"Hey, what do you think happened to George?" I asked him as we walked out of the room.

"I don't know, but I hear talking in the kitchen."

We walked into the kitchen to see George and Charles Lee talking to each other, about fruit.

"I hate oranges! They are absolutely disgusting!"

"Oranges?! What do you have against them?! You can't just go around hating on fruit!"

"Well at least I don't hate blueberries!"

"It's not my fault they taste and look like trash!"

"How dare you Lee!"

So that was George. Wow, their voices sound so alike, it's a but weird.

"I don't care! It's my opinion! Take it or leave it!"

"I can't believe you are such a hypocrite! You literally said that's your opinion and then you won't let my opinion slide?!"

"I never said that! Either way, oranges are great and that's a fact!"

"No it's not you peasant!"


"Boys, stop!" Alexander intervened.

"He did it!" They yelled at each other.

"Sigh. Charles, get your boyfriend, and George, please go sit in the living room." I begged them.

George stomped away to the living room while Charles walked out of the door to find Samuel.

"It's going be a hard 2 weeks." Alexander sighed.

"It'll be over sooner than you think."
I reassured him.

"Let's hope so. Just try not to burn the kitchen."

"I won't!" I laughed.

Soon enough we heard a knock on the door and Samuel walked in.

"Sam?!" We heard George.

"George!" Sam ran towards him.

"I've missed you so much!" They both sang together.

"Uh, wha?" Lee looked at them both, dumbfounded.

"I used to go to a private school with George and we were best friends!" Samuel explained.

Coincidence? I think not.

"Oh cool!" Alexander got really excited.

I think it was mostly because now Alexander could get some alone time.

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