Chapter 16

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*Begins to think ahead to sequel* WHAT WOULD I EVEN CALL IT?!

Joking, Joking :)

××Alexander's POV××

Eliza called me over to the front entrance. As I walked there I felt butterflies in my stomach. I hoped it was John, but at the same time it would be best not to seem him right now.

When I got to the door I looked straight ahead expecting to see a face.

I looked down, and right there was a kawaii plushie. A Thor one to be exact.

Who could've sent this?! No one knew I liked Thor! Except for...John. He must've sent it.

Attached to the plushie was a note. I read it aloud for everyone to hear in the room.

"Don't expect me to come back soon. I've always loved you. But 'thor' you to betray my trust, it's almost unforgivable...I hope to see you soon, Alexander. " I read.

Almost? Was John actually willing to forgive me? Almost...

Almost is a weird word. Like saying I'm almost home. How much is almost? I almost made it! How much was left? I almost loved you. What happened to the rest? What did almost mean? There was always something left but there was no measure to it. (A/N this is real confusing)

I could say I almost ran back to my dorm. But the thing was, I did run back.

I heard my friends shout out my name, telling me to come back but I had a way better idea. I made it to my dorm and changed my outfit into a much more formal one. And I brushed my teeth of course. Finally I tied my hair into a ponytail and walked out of the college. I was on my way.

You see here, I didn't real the whole letter aloud. There was one snippet left, which read:

(P.S. Water is mysterious. It can flow in many ways. Water surrounds us. We are part water. The thing is, water cannot reverse time. But oh, the things water can do.)

Now if you were an outsider, you probably wouldn't understand what John would be talking about. But for me it was quite easy. I had to go back. Back in time.

All the way to the restaurant where we met.

After a long 15 minutes of sprinting down the streets, I finally made it. As soon as I walked in, I saw a familiar face.

"Pardon me, are you Aaron Burr, Sir?" I jokingly said, as I tapped Burr on the shoulder.

"Not again, Alexander. Now your table is number 14, please go sit down." Burr pointed me in the direction of the table.

As I walked closer I saw John sitting there. He was fidgeting with his hands with his head tilted down. He was in his resturant uniform with those two adorable pigtails which frame his face beautifully. His freckles were scattered all over his face and were more obvious because he had a red tint to his cheeks.

"John?" I smoothly said as I sat down in the seat across from him.

"Alexander, it's nice to see you again." John replied. He still hadn't looked up.
I could see his hazel brown eyes through the reflection of the clear glass table. Those beautiful shining eyes of his.

"John. You have no idea how much I've regretted this. I should have never have done this to you. You didn't deserve this. In all my life, I have never done anything worse. I always thought we had given up on our relationship. We have had so many ups and downs and it's crazy. If someone were to write our story, people would be so confused because the story would make no sense! But deep down inside, I've always have had feelings for you. I've just hidden them away. Because if I didn't, all I would think about is you. And that's too much for me. Because you deserve someone better. All I think is that John deserves someone better! Not some bastard orphan like me! I will never forgive myself no matter how hard I try. You are like the light in my darkness, and I left you when-"

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