Chapter 14

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The internet is the biggest stalker. I have an important flight today and I got so many ads about it..c r e e p y

××Laurens POV××

Once I got home I knocked on the door. The door swung open and I looked up from my phone.

"Hey, A-" I just stood there.


I saw Alexander rush to the door, fully dressed and come outside, shoving Sara back into the dorm and closing the door.

"A-Alex? What's going on...?" I eyed him suspiciously.

"Umm, hey?" He looked everywhere except at me.

"Wha-at, the f-fu..." I couldn't even finish my scentence.

"John? It was all a mistake! It just happened! I don't know!" He started yelling. I could feel tears begin to drip down my face every few seconds.

"How could you!" I phrased it as a scentence. I didn't want him to explain.

After all I've gone through, this is what happens. This is what I get back.
Did I deserve this?

"John, please, I can explain!" He put his hands on the sides of my arms.

"I think you've done enough explaining for-forever! I never should have liked you. You betrayed me! Thrown away all my trust. For who?! For some random girl who doesn't know her left from her right! Who doesn't care about you! Who doesn't even want you for who you are!" I began to turn away and storm down the hall. I had no place to go or call home for now.

"J-john! Hold up! Come back! Please!" He yelled after me.

I stormed away, not wanting to hear another word from him. I didn't want the Schyulers to find out, or Laf and Herc so I made a weird descion. I went to Lee's.

Flashback tImEeeeeeee! The story of the 10 knocks.

Alexander was walking home, having had a bad day. One of his beloved friends from Nevis had died. News was sent to him a few days afterwards, which would lead to today.

He wearily walked up to the dorm room and knocked 10 times, which was his and Lauren's secret code.

He couldn't bear to anymore. 10 was the amount of people he loved in his life that he had lost. 1 his mom. 2 his dad. 3 his brother. 4 his cat :(. 5 his friend. 6 his next door friend from childhood. 7 his teacher, who always believed in him. 8 his cousin. 9. Well, that was too sad to explain. And now 10. His best friend who supported him no matter what.

As soon as John opened the door he hugged Alex, and brought him inside.

"Shh, Alex, please don't cry, what happened?" John comforted him as they cuddled on the couch together.

Sure, John's new shirt was getting wet with tears, but that was nothing. Alex could cry a whole river, and he wouldn't care about his new shirt getting ruined or wet.

"M-Marcus...he d-di-" Alex couldn't bear to finish his scentence. John knew about Marcus. Alex was friends with him since Middle School. They had been through thin and thick together, and he meant a lot to Alex.

John hugged Alex tighter, "I'm here for you, Alex, okay? We'll get through this together. And I was thinking, how about we change the number of knocks to 7?"

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