Chapter 9

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For some stupid reason I thought I had deleted chapter 9 and started freaking out, but then I reread chapter 8, and hit my head against the wall for being so stupid.

××Alexander's POV××

During the night I wrote essays while John would sleep because it would keep my mind off of him, which was helpful. I also had to catch up on some essays that were due in a few weeks. The minimum amount was 3 pages but I guess 12 worked too.

As I worked I listened to the musical Miranda. It was really good and wanted to go to the show but I am too poor. I might consider selling my not really. Maybe though....hmm..(A/N ;D)

As I listened to the Battle of Yorktown, I hummed along. I'm too embarrassed to sing, because I am not too good at it. I'm not being humble here. I could kill birds with my voice. Birds in outerspace.

Around 3 AM I heard John muttering to himself. It wasn't uncommon for him too, he used to when he was...well he used to before the incident. I didn't pay much attention to it and continued my work, almost finished with page 12.

"ALEXANDER!" John shot up in his bed.

"John?!" I was surprised, shocked, and confused as I turned around to see him walking towards me.

"John? Are you okay? What's going on?" I asked, I was afraid, he wasn't acting normally.

John rushed over to me picked me up and hugged me, "Al-Alexander, I've missed you so much.." he whispered into my ear.

" remember..." I was the happiest person on earth. Not even Disney Woorld could beat me right now. He remembered our past, his memory was finally back!

"I remember it all!" He said with a look of excitement on his face. Then he leaned in close and kissed me. I've missed this.

"We should surprise the others!" We both agreed.

After that, John and I went to our beds and slept.

"Goodnight, my dear Alexander."

"Goodnight, my wonderful Laurens."

And we closed our eyes.

^^^Time skip brought to you by The Reynolds Pamphlet, tell your horrible affair which you didn't have to, to make your wife's sister almost want to kill you.^^^

Morning came and John was already awake, too happy to go to sleep. While I took a shower he attempted making pancakes. Attempted.

I rushed out of the shower with only a towel covering me when I heard the fire alarm in our dorm.

"JoHn! What are you doing?!" I yelled at him through the smoke.

"I tried making pancakes." He said sheepishly.

John went to go get a fire extinguisher while I turned off the oven and stove. I should probably teach John how to cook. That would probably be the best thing to do now. Afterwards, I went ahead and finished my shower, making sure John had cereal to eat.

After I took my shower John and I headed over to our classes. We had to figure out a way to surprise the group.

So we walked with our hands held together down the hall and next to our friends dorms because we always walked all together ever since John's incident. Herc and Lafs dorm was right next to the Schyuler Sister's so it was convenient.

"Uhh, hey guyss... " Laf said confused. John never announced anyone he likes and same for me when he had lost his memory.

So when we were holding hands, the while group just looked at each other confused. Then John leaned over and kissed me on my cheek.

"John?! Alex?!" Peggy came over to us since she was walking behind.

"Yes peggy? Oh and how is Maria doing?" John replied. Peggy never told John about Maria when he lost his memory. She kept her confused look on.

"Alex? What's going on?" Angelica walked by my side. John giggled slightly. He was adorable when he giggled.

"Nothing much. I took a shower, almost burned down the apartment with John. He got his memory back. I changed into better clothes and made cere-" I got cut off.

"JOHN GOT HIS MEMORY BACK?!" The whole group yelled as the bombarded John with hugs. We were all so happy.

"I'm back! And I'm here to stay!" John excitedly told everyone.

Then I felt this weird vibe. We got into Mr. Washington's classroom, to find none other than-

"What'd I miss?"

Thomas Jefferson.

VIRGINA MY HOME SWEET HOMEEE... Haha, gotta finish the lyrics. This was a short but somewhat sweet chapter as the rest of them were FiLlEd with angst.

I was listening to Guns and ships and it was going like: everyone give it up for Americas favorite fighting Frenchmen, and then I hit a wrong button causing it to switch to another tab which was act two and What'd I miss came on and it blasted THOMAS JEFFERSONS COMING HOOOoooOOME!

I just sat there...confused.

Anyways, today was the unfortunate death of Alexander Hamilton, July 12th. If it wasn't for him we wouldn't have partial of America, which I don't know if it's good or bad and most importantly I wouldn't be sitting here shipping historical figures.

In a while crocodiles~ Turtlboi :)

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