Chapter 15

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I thought of what to write here...I just forgot...

But congrats the minis are over, and I may put all of them together for a final Chapter 14, but for now here is the next chp.

××Alexander's POV××

Who could have done this?! Who could've posted these pictures?! All around the school.

I ran to Sara's dorm.

"Sara?! How could YOU have done this?!" I yelled at her.

"Do what sweetie? All I've done is love and care for you~" She giggled.

"THIS. I mean THIS." I shoved the paper in her face.

"Wha-What?! Who did this?! It's all your fault anyways! I should have never trusted you!" She screamed in my face.

"It's not MY fault! You're the one who did this! I never want to see you again!" I screamed back.

I heard doors opening all around us, papers being ripped from doors. Snickering. I saw pointing. I had to go back to my dorm.

I walked back, in immense shame as people looked at me in shock and wonder. I heard whispering. Aaron Burr told me I should go hide.

The moment I got home I flopped on my bed.

How could you let this happen Alexander?

She never cared for you or your personality...just your looks.

Why did I like her anyways? She made it obvious she had a boyfriend. I just didn't know who.

And as if the world had read my mind a letter came underneath the door to my room. Someone had broken into the dorm.

I quickly ran out of my room and saw the dorm door was wide open I looked outside to find no one.

Exhausted, I closed the door and locked it. As I turned around to go back I saw the blank white walls of our dorm. There used to be dozens of pictures posted up everywhere. Of John and I. With our friends.

The pictures all disappeared.

I made a huge mistake.

I sat down at my desk, and ripped open the letter labled: To the Idiot know as Alexander Hamilton

It read:

Congratulations Alex!

You have won a prize for being the first person to break John's heart!

Your prize is guilt, shame, and you know it hatred! And guess what? It's all free! To redeem your prize please think long and hard, or come by over to our place!

What did you do to earn this prize, you may wonder? Ignore, push away, show hatred, and belittle Mr John Laurens!

You shouldn't be proud a single bit though!

We hope you enjoy your prize for the next few....days, weeks, months. Maybe even years!

You are at an all time low, Alex. What did you do...


Most probably the most sarcastic letter I have ever read.

I felt tears stinging my eyes. That weird feeling you get in your throat when you hold back a cry. It all hurts. I stumbled onto the ground and layed there for a while.

During a Dream that's a flashback:

'Alexander! Alexander! Come here! Quick! Ahhhhh!' I heard John's voice.

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