Chapter 1

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Here we go... hope you enjoy!

××Alexander's POV××

Here we go, another date, another person, another chance to fail. All I wanted was to find "the one".

I spend my afternoons when I'm done with my college classes at King's College on Tinderr, a dating app. So far I've been on 4 dates, none of them successful...

I mean it's not my fault I talk a lot, right?

Anyways, tonight I have a date. Some girl named Maria Reynolds? Apparently we go to the same college so that's good! The date is at the restaurant L'amour est Pour Tous //A/N please excuse my horrible french//

My friend Laffayette was helping me get ready... along with Mulligan of course

"YOU BETTER NOT BE WEARING THAT!" Mulligan yelled at me when he entered my room.

"What's wrong with my sweats?" I asked him

He quickly threw at me some nice pants and a button-up which I wore quickly. Then he rushed me to Laf who wanted to fix my hair.

"This is the equivalent to trash," Laf plainly said.

"Nice to know I have supportive friends..." I joked.

While Laf brushed my hair, I asked him, "Do you think I should tell her I am bi?"

"Not if she asks you first," Laf giggled, "but no, you should tell her."

I simply agreed then was on my way to the restaurant. Once I got there the host greeted me... actually I greeted him.

"Pardon me are you Aaron Burr, sir?" I asked.

"Look man I don't have time for this, just tell me your name." He replied quickly.

We talked while the table cleared.... I may have told him my life story...

"Hold up, why are you here?" He asked.

"I have a date!"

"Lemme give you some advice...Talk less, smile more~"

I took the advice, haha not really, but sat at the table and waited.

30 min went by... no Maria ....


I got a text from Maria....

MariR: Sorry, gotta cancel.

Just great. Now my date cancels on me....
Just then a waiter bumped into my table and spilled water on me.

"Oh no! I am so sorry, let me get some towels and some new water!" The man said.

I looked up and saw the guy, he had multiple freckles scattered all over his face, especially on his cheeks which had a red tint to them. His eyes were hazel but had tiny bits of green and they were beautiful. His hair was perfectly curly too and it was tied back into 2 pigtails which were adorable. Then he was gone to get my stuff.

××Lauren's POV××

It was another boring day at the restaurant... except for the fact that some kid asked for a cup of powdered sugar....

Then the same kid asked for more water. On my way to the kitchen I tripped and spilled water all over this lonely man. Ouch, was that a burn? Or should I say Burr-n as the kitchen staff calls it...

The man looked terrified for a second, but even then he looked beautiful. His hair was so soft and he had the prettiest brown eyes you could ever see... but then I remembered I have to do my job so I quickly rushed to the kitchen....

Welp that is the first chapter, sorry it is short but it is 1 AM... Stay tuned! I'll update shortly!

Au revoir~ Turtlboi

One Click //A Lams AU Fic//Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora