Chapter 26: The Explanation

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There seems to be confusion about the last chapter, so I will now explain it all.
And I hired a narrator for this chapter:


I finally got some job.


Let's start from the beginning.

A group of student rebels have decided to completly destroy the school.

Hey, American school students, sounds familiar to me. 2018 is such a mess in the US. Okay back to the real thing.

So before hand that group sends a letter to King's College with the following note:

Be prepared for the school to go down in flames


The college received that note in the morning.

Immediatly the director sends a text message to the entire school with the phone numbers in the system.

The text basically says that the school will go on lockdown and for all students to quickly proceed in the bunker.

Now what is the bunker? The bunker is a HuGe underground system full of food for one week, sanitation supplies, and room for all the students and faculty enrolled at the college.

It's located at the very bottom of the college. Underground.

How can you access it? Students need to scan their card in the elevator for a button to appear so they can use it to go down there, or they scan it at the door at the very bottom level of stairs in the college so they let that student in.

Now to go to Alexander.

Alexander wakes up to the sounds of people yelling. He sees John running around and stuffing things into their backpacks.

He asks what happens and John says they need to leave. But guess what, the rebels decided to come earlier.

They are firing gunshots into the air, and setting things on fire. The place is a mess.

Then Alexander sees people running towards the exit. He is still confused by what is happening.

But he and John see the elevator is vacant so they quickly run into there. Like I said before, they need to go to the bunker to be safe. So John scans his card and click the new button which is labled B for bunker.

In there, John explains what is happening to Alex.

As they begin traveling down, the elevator falls into difficulties so they have to get out as soon as possible. The cords are what helps the elevator go up and down and not fall. But beforehand someone had tampered with 3 of them, and now the elevator was about to fall and crash.

So Alexander and John quickly get out and hold onto one of the cords. There is now nothing underneath their feet because the bottom of the cord they are holding onto breaks and the elevator falls to its doom.

Now they are both hanging by a cord which will also break soon. So they have the idea that John will hold onto Alexander's hand and gain momentum to break the glass door of the next level since they are close to it.

Once they gain momentum, John breaks the glass door and jumps out of the elevator and hops onto the level below him.

Now Lafayette figured out that the two of them are stuck in the elevator because he heard their voices. Laf and Herc had gotten to the bunker faster.

Beforehand, John looked down and saw Laf looking up at the two through the glass doors of the bunker level. So he told Alex to let go of the cord and fall down.

Once he let go, Alexander saw Lafayette and his arm outreached, about 1 meter below him as he was falling, so he quickly grasped Lafs hand and Laf pulled him in.

Now from the level above, John hopped through the glass doors he just broke and fell down, and Alex had put his arms out to catch John.

Finally Alex pulled John into the Bunker level.

The 4 (Laf, Herc, John, and Alex) went and sat down on the couches in the bunker.

Alexander soon began having a panic attack about the situation and he blacked out. While he blacked out, he had a dream about his mother. In that dream his mother said that Alex's brother and father were still alive, but he didn't get to know where they were.

Then Alex woke up and told John about his weird experience, and Charles and Sam walked up to them and asked them where Alex's parents could be, and at the same time, the Schyulers made it to the bunker too.

They all greeted each other as the whole group got back together, and they started joking around.

But then Alex realized that George was nowhere to be found, along with Tom, his butler.

Finally a cry for help is heard.

So, the author would like to apologize for any and all confusion caused by her horrible writing!!!

The chapter ends on a cliffhanger, so now you must wait a week until the next update. If you don't understand why you have to wait a week, an update schedule is posted on her account.

Thanks, narrator. If you are still confused, please send me a DM!

I am so sorry!!

~Turtlboi :)

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