Chapter 3

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I realized I titled one if the chapters wrong, it is all good now though! Anyways, here we go onto the next chapter, I may be writing a lot as I have nothing to do, so I hope you enjoy!

××Laurens's POV××

Once we got to Mr.Washington's classroom we found seats, I took out my notebook and started writing the notes written on the board... I was a bit disappointed that Alexander was on the other side of the room, but I needed to focus because this class was very important.

"Welcome students, to Biology 4, the as advanced stuff." Mr. Washington said as he entered the room.

I was taking this class for the class on Animal rights for my junior year(next year) in college, since I was planning on incorporating this into law.
Alex just took this because it was mandatory for him since he apparently never learned Biology in Nevis. Other than that he wanted to take Human Rights in junior year, so he had to take Law first.

As I wrote down my notes, I heard snickering and a bit of....whispering?
Just wait till Washington hears...

I turned around in my seat to see Thomas Jeffereson, or TJ as he likes to call himself, bugging Alexander.
Right then Mr. Washington turned around from the whiteboard and stared right at TJ who stopped but he still snickered with his friends, Madison and Seabury...great.

After one boring class of learning the syllabus was over I asked Hamilton if he wanted to go get coffee, along with some of our friends of course...

"Sure, that sounds nice!" He exclaimed.

His happiness was so adorable, and his eyes could light the world...NO JOHN NOT NOW YOU CANT HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOUR ROOMMATE....

"Great, grab your shoes and let's go!" I said as I walked over to the door and unlocked it.

The morning breeze hit our faces. It was pretty cold for it being Septemeber... I saw Alex shivering from the corner of my eye.

"Are you cold? Here you can take my extra jacket," I took off my other jacket and handed it to him.

"T-thanks, john," he said while shivering.

Mulligan needs to take that boy clothes shopping honestly, although I think he is friends with him from the way Laf says it...

××Alexander's POV××

Class was a bit boring, although there was a lot of notes to take so it wasnt too bad. I was a tad bit upset I wasn't next to John, but I needed to focus on school this year...

Half way through class I heard some kids snickering behind me. The one guy had a name plate engraved with TJ...

I rolled my eyes, but TJ saw so I may have gotten into a situation..

"Yo, idiot orphan why are you so dumb?" He whispered in an angry voice

I turned around, here we go...

"Why are you talking to yourself?" I snapped back

"Yo-" he got cut off right when Mr. Washington looked at him.

Alexander 1. TJ 0.

Once I turned around I saw John looking my way, we made eye contact but he quickly turned around blushing.. hmm that is so weird, I mean I guess I get embarrassed when I make direct eye contact too, natural.

^^^Time skip brought to you by Walmart. save money live better (lies)...haha^^^^

We finally got to the cafe in which I saw Laf and Mulligan.

"Wait. You are friends with them?" I asked John.

"Yeah! And I heard you are too..." he replied.

"That is great! Now let's go and greet them, hurry up!" He yelled and held my arm and ran.

××Lauren's POV××

From the cafe window I could see Laf and Mulligan smirk and make kissy faces at me, in which I returned a death glare. Thank goodness Alex didnt see...

"Hey guys! Or should I say boyfr-" I cut off Laf by secretly punching him in the stomach. Alex didnt realize and just replied

"Hey! It is so great we are all friends!" Alex replied with an adorable cinnamon rollness to him.. no john...

"Friends? I thi-" mulligan began to say right when I cut him off by kicking his foot.

Alex and I got up to go over while Laf and Mulligan joked around.

"I ship it." Alex plainly said

I started laughing while Alex giggled, and he almost dropped his coffee but it was all worth it...

××Alexander and Laurens××

I love spending time with him...

Well that is all you guys are going to get for now, but I will be back soo with moreeeee,

By the way, I know some writers make the two a couple by the 3rd or 4th chapter, but that's not going to happen so quickly, there will be a few more events until that sort of thing, if there even might be one... dun dun dun... no I'm kidding there will be... Imma spoiler sry

Last update: July 8th, 2018

Have a nice day ~ Turtlboi :)

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