Chapter 4

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4 is one of my lucky numbers, so I hope this is a lucky chapter...honestly what I just wrote makes no sense... I don't know if you guys enjoy this story so much so I might change it up a bit :)

××Alexander's POV××

I was starting to develop feelings for John... he was just different. He listened to everything you had to say, he didn't interrupt me with his own thoughts, and he was adorable in his own way.

I wanted to focus on my school work, but now it was hard. Reeeally hard.
I decided I should talk to Laf about it later...

"So how are my two favorite roommates doing?" Laf asked us when we came back.

"So we aren't your fav friends, just roomies?" John asked sarcastically.

We were laughing for about a minute, until TJ and his "gang" walked in.

Jefferson. Seabury. Madison. Lee.

They walked right over to us, while we were making a plan to escape. We as in mulligan and I, Laf and Lauren's were thinking of comebacks.

"Hey, Jefferson, do you hear that?" Seabury asked.

"No, all I hear is some dirty rats drinking lattes."

"AT LEAST THE DIRTY RATS CAN AFFORD LATTES!" Mulligan yelled back, even though they were 3 meters away.

Our whole group just looked at Mulligan for a second, "Not helping." Laf told him.

"Hey, Tjaaay," I annoyingly pronounced his name

"What do you want, rat?" He replied, a sneer plastered on his face.

"Were you talking to yourself again? I can reccomend you some therapists if you want?" I 'politely' told him.

John started laughing, which made their "gang" uncontrollably mad.

"YOU THINK YOU'RE SO-" TJ got cut off

"That's enough boys, Alexander how about you and your group go out the park, I'll deal with this group." Mr. Washington barged into the cafe and opened the door for us.

Once we got out we started laughing as we walked down the street.

"Alexander, that. Was. AMAZING!" Laf exclaimed while he was laughing.

"I agree, that was great!" Mulligan interrupted.

John was laughing and was so out breath that he just laughed and smiled at me.

"I mean, he got what he deserve-" I replied.


I replied. I guess something things don't last long. Just like life.

I replied right when I got hit by a bus.
(A/N mean girlsss... )

××Lauren's POV××

"ALEX!" I yelled the moment he was hit. We all rushed onto the street.

"Alex.. wake up... please..." I whispered, on the verge of tears.

I couldn't lose this man. Sure, I haven't known him for long, but he just meant so much to me.

The ambulance came. Red. White. Blue. Lights.
People gathering around. Screams. Laffayette. Mulligan.

And then? Darkness.

××Laf's POV××

Alexander, why? How come it had to be him? I would trade with him, no matter what. He was one of my closest friends.

I saw Laurens and he was crying and shaking Alexander. Alexander wouldn't wake up.

Laying still. Lifeless.

The moment the ambulance came Lauren's fell onto the concrete, and fainted.

Two ambulances came. One for the each of them.

^^^An hour later^^^

The doctor called us into Lauren's room.

"Hey guys..." John wearily greeted us.

"John! You are ok!"

There was silence. We were all thinking about Alex.
John burst into tears.

"Its okay, John, he will be fine." Mulligan went over to go hug John.

We finally went to Alex's room, after John got into a wheelchair.

"Bad news or good news?" The doctor asked us.

"Bad." John quickly replied..

"He is in a coma..."

We all just stayed quiet for a second.

"The good news? He wasnt injured too badly, so he will most likely recover quickly." The doctor continued.

John left the room immediately.

^^^5 MONTHS LATER (it's not like I can describe 5 months to you guys)^^^

××Lauren's POV××

It has been 5 months since the accident. Alex hasn't woken up. I visit him everyday in the hospital hoping he can wake up. Laf and Mulligan come with me sometimes, if they don't have plans.

I miss him.

A lot.

My love for him grows each day making it harder for me to let go. I've tried though. I went on a date with a girl named Maria. She left in the middle.

It hasn't been working out.

*3 AM*

Tonight I could not sleep. I have no idea why. I sleep in Alexander's bed if I can't fall asleep. Its comforting.


I got a call. From the hospital? I know, I just have it as a contact. Just in case.

"Hello, is this Mr. Laurens?"
"Yes, that's me..."
"Mr. Laurens, please come to the hospital. Immediately."

I hanged up. I was so stressed and worried at the same time. Had he die- no John you cannot think bad thoughts. Had something happened to him?

I ran. And ran. And ran.

I finally got to the hospital. It was freezing.

I got to room 1776 I saw Alexander in his bed.



××Alexander and Laurens××:

I finally have him again~

Sorta cliffhanger? I dunno, you gotta read the next chapter... I was listening to Hamilton while typing and when I heard "SHOWTIME, SHOWTIME! YO!-"
I started singing along. My friends are annoyed.

Hope you liked the chapter!
Au revoir~ Turtlboi :)

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