Chapter 5

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I ambasic! Haha, I wrote I am back but it just auto corrected! It wasn't wrong though....

××Alexander's POV××

I woke up. A white ceiling staring back at me. It felt like I fainted for 1 hour max. I heard a loud beep coming from my left. I was fully hospitalized.

Doctors in white lab coats rushed in, while a nurse called someone.

"Congratulations, sir. We are so happy you have awoken." One doctor told me.

"What do you mean?"

"Sir, what day do you think it is?" Another asked.


"It is Feburary 14th." He shyly replied.

I sat there shocked. It has been so long... a whole 5 months. I miss Laf, Mulligan....John...

"Your emergency contact will be here soon, sir," one of the nurses said.

Emergency contact? I do not think I have any..... maybe it is someone at college... the teacher's maybe?

...I mean at least it was 5 months without Thomas.

After 30 minutes of eating food and rehydrating, I heard a knock on the door.

"Should I open it? Your contact is here." The same nurse asked.

"Of course!" I was a bit nervous...

"A-alex?" I heard a familiar voice...


John. It was John! I was so excited to see him that I practically jumped out of my bed, which would have hurt a lot.

John ran over and hugged me, tears streaming down his face. Mine too.

"I thought, I thought I lost you-" we both cried together.

We got instantly cut off, I heard Laf and Mulligan.

"ALEX!" I heard them shout together.

"I've missed you guys" I explained as I gave them a group hug.

"I've missed you too," John muttered.

After 5 minutes of being told to calm down since the room next to us was annoyed, we decided to talk a bit.

"So what have you guys done?" I asked them all.

"Well...." and that is when Mulligan explained everything. And I mean everything.

" So me and Laf here got together, and we went on dates, and John here went on a few dates, and then we studied for midterms, Burr from the restaurant kept annoying us about you, I dunno man he cares, we all went on dates, our grades are improving and we started a study club and-" he stopped since we realized John had left.

"Mulligan..." Laf nudged him.

"What did I- oh..." he replied to Laf.

××Mulligan's POV××

I was so excited to hear news about Alex that I abruptly woke up Laf up and we drove quickly. Probably breaking the law, but that did not matter.

The moment we saw Alex awake was probably one of the best moments in our lives. Soon we were talking and I just blabbed on until I realized John was gone and that is when I realized what I had said.

I rushed out into the hallway and outside the building to see John sitting on a bench. At 4 AM.

"John? What's wrong?" I asked him

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