The World Cup

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I was gonna write an imagine at about (Y/N) being British and waking herself up at a ridiculous time (cuz of timezone differences due to living with Ethan in LA) in the early hours of the morning to sneak out of bed and watch the England games in the world cup. Ethan was gonna wake up one night without her in bed beside him, and go looking for her, to find her wrapped in a blanket burrito with her earphones in and her laptop streaming the game, while she whispers cheers and punches the air whenever Pickford makes another expert save to carry the team or Kane is being a fucking legend. Ethan was gonna confront her about getting up at these times for the games, bc he finally realised why you were always so tired after the games had happened and how you always knew the England results before Ethan told you when he woke up, and it wasnt actually bc of the excuse you gave of "the strength of my patriotism tires me out, even in my sleep".
it was gonna be a real funny imagine, filled with goofs and gafs.
I can no longer say "it's coming home" without wanting to cry.
bc England lost against Croatio last night
I left writing this imagine too late and now we're gone.
I dont even like football at all but the world cup is a whole other thing.
so yeah.
no imagine.
but I just wanted you all to be aware that there COULD HAVE BEEN one.
just like we COULD HAVE WON the cup.
but we didnt.
Im gonna go cry again now.

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