Thank You, Mark

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~ Your POV ~

For some reason, when you took the picture with Mark, you didnt think anything of it. Just a friendly picture, to let his community know that you're joining Mark's editing team. You happened to be wearing a CrankGameplays 'wowie' hoodie in the picture, because it's one of your most comfortable items of clothing, and because you'll take any chance you get to support your favourite youtuber. Unfortunately, your choice of clothing didnt cross your mind, and nor did the fact that Ethan follows Mark on twitter, meaning he was bound to see that picture of you, wearing his merch.

But, as you stared down at your phone now, your mouth hanging open as a result of the scream you had just released, which Mark obviously recorded, you realised that your new job had already become the best decision of your life.

@ CrankGameplays tweeted: @ (Y/N) you like THE CrankGameplays? Ew.

You couldnt quite believe your eyes, and despite your new friends and work colleagues all stood around you laughing, the sound of your own heartbeat was almost deafening inside your ears.
"Ok, Ok, I-I, uh, I need to be cool about this." You told yourself aloud as you started typing, meaning Mark, Amy, Tyler, and Kathryn all heard you.

@ (Y/N): @ CrankGameplays yeah, he's my favourite youtuber, and I think he's pretty swell actually :D

What felt like an eternity passed in just a single minute, before you received a notification to say Ethan had liked your response to his tweet. You released the breath you were holding in anticipation, when suddenly, another notification came in.

@ CrankGameplays just followed you back!

Your eyes went wide, and you looked up from your phone to observe the faces of those around you. Mark, Tyler, Amy, and Kathryn were all smiling and laughing at you, while you stood there, frozen in shock.
"So, you're a pretty big fan of Ethan?" Mark teased playfully.
You laughed with a hand on your forehead in disbelief "Yeah, you could say that!"

Your first week working for Mark went really well, you very quickly befriended everyone who had seen you freak out about Ethan acknowledging your existence, and being able to laugh and joke with them while you edited for Mark, became a highlight of your day. However, there was this looming tension, an elephant in the room, which came into being through the mischievous smiles that your new friends would give you whenever they asked you about Ethan, which got increasingly more often throughout the week. You did your best to ignore it of course, but it was a feeling you couldnt shake off. Something was definitely going on, but it seemed that you'd be the last one to find out what.

On the Sunday of your first full week working for Mark, you arrived at Mark's place, to find him, Tyler, Amy, and Kathryn all stood in the entrance of Mark's apartment, waiting for you with right smiles on their faces.
"We had this video idea, and we're gonna need you to play along, just for today, ok?" Tyler explained, with the least amount of detail possible, half of his face hidden behind the camera he was holding, recording you.
You sighed and rolled your eyes playfully as Mark approached you with a blindfold "I was wondering how long it would take for you guys to plot my murder." The group laughed at your joke, while Mark tied the blindfold around your head, and walked you out to his car.

Which brings you here, sitting in the back of what you assume is Mark's car, with a blindfold wrapped tightly around your head, rendering you temporarily without sight. Mark and Tyler are talking in the front of the car, while Amy and Kathryn are either side of you in the back of the car. You lean closer to Amy.
"Should I actually be worried about what's going on?" You ask her warily.
Amy chuckles in response "I dont think so, but then again, none of us really know how you're going to react to this."
You huff and lean back into your seat. Well, that was a fat lot of real ambiguous help, thanks Amy, you think to yourself. The car slows to a stop, and you hear everyone unbuckling their seatbelts, before Kathryn reaches over to undo yours. Amy takes your hands and helps you climb out of the car, and you're pleasantly surprised that you dont fall straight into a huge bowl of custard. From Mark, you wouldnt be surprised. There's a brief moment of silence, before you hear someone's phone ding, and then Kathryn speaks up.
"Alright guys, let's go!" She chirps, and you can only picture her in your head leading everyone to wherever it is you're being taken.

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