Sunday Service: No Way Out

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(07-01-18) Ptr. Lynard Molo
[Jonah: No Way Out]

No Way Out Situation:
+One had no more strength to hold on.
+Nobody can help you up
+Hopeless situation

Why did God put Jonah in a "No Way Out" situation?
1. Part of God's discipline. (Hebrews 12:5-6)
2. Think and contemplate.
3. Repent
4. Obey God's instruction to him.

*Learn to go back to Him
*Obey His Will.
*Fulfill His purpose.

1. Humble and seek God. (Jonah 2:1-6) (Psalms 10:17)
2. His No Way Out Experience change his heart. (Jonah 2:7-9)
a. He remembered the Lord.
b. Learned to praise and thank the Lord.
c. Willing to let go everything for the Lord.
d. Willing to obey.

God's response to Jonah: (Jonah 2:2, 10)
1. God answered his prayer.
2. Command the fish to free Jonah.
3. God set him free.

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