Special Sunday Service: Samson (A Musical Play)

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(06-16-19) Ptr. Lynard Molo

God's plans for the life of Samson:
1. To be a blessing to his parents. (Judges 13:2-3)
2. Set apart for a specific purpose. (Judges 13:5)
3. To be a deliverer of his nation. (Judges 13:5)
4. To bless Him.

Causes of his downfall:
1. Dishonored his parents (Judges 14:1-3)
2. Disobeyed God's Commandments. (Judges 8-9)
3. Defilled his purity. (Judges 16:1)
4. Deceived by his enemies. (Judges 16:17, 19a)

Results of Samson's Disobedience
*Judges 16:21
"21 Then the Philistines seized him, gouged out his eyes and took him down to Gaza. Binding him with bronze shackles, they set him to grinding in the prison.

1. Lost his power.
2. The Lord left him.
3. He fell in the hands of his enemies.

*Judges 16:28
"28 Then Samson prayed to the LORD, "O Sovereign LORD, remember me. O God, please strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes."

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