Sunday Service: Go In His Peace

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(09-16-18) Bro. Allan Barabat

=Go Beyond Sermon Series: Go in His Peace=

*Philippians 4:6,7
*Luke 2:14

-means to be reconcile or to have an agreement with or absence of hostility.
Hebrew: "shalom" (a life with completeness, soundness, welfare and peace; a secured life, a contended life, a happy life even in the midst of trials and suffering.)

Biblical Peace: (Recounting Peace)
1. Peace with God
*Romans 5:1
*Isaiah 59:2
2. Peace from God.
*John 14:27
*John 20:19-21
3. Peace of God.
*Philippians 4:6,7
*Psalm 4:8
*Job 34:39
*Philippians 4:9

"Better that Peace of God is the Prince of God."

Road to Peace:
*Matthew 5:9
1. Accept Jesus as the only mediator to God.
*Romans 5:1
*John 14:6
*Ephesians 2:14-15
2. Obey God's law of love
*Psalm 119:165
*Matthew 27-37-39
*Matthew 22:40
3. Grow in Godly wisdom.
*James 3:17-18
4. Seek the Mind of Christ
*Philippians 2:3-5
5. Allow Jesus Christ to guard your heart and mind.
*Philippians 4:6,7

"Unahin mo munang makinig bago ka maintindihan."

1. Worry circle (anxious)
2. Prayer circle (what should we pray abt?"--everything)
3. Thanksgiving circle (anything)

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