Sunday Service: The Gift

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(12-23-18) Ptr. Lynard Molo

=The Gift=

*Matthew 2:1-2,11

"Gift" given by the three wise men is fitted to His Position and Purpose.

Gold: "as a King" (Matthew 2:2)

*Revelation 19:16
•We must give our respect to Him.
•We must submit to His own will.
•We must obey Him.

Frankincense: "aromatic used in sacrificial offerings" ; "Jesus is our High Priest" (1 Timothy 2:5)

In what ways is Jesus Christ our mediator with God?
+Jesus bridges the gap of sin separating us from God.
+Jesus is the one through whom we give our thanks to God.
+Jesus represents us from God.

*Hebrews 7:25, 4:14-16

Myrrh: "perfuming ointments and also used for embalming"

Jesus is our Redeemer.

*Matthew 20:28
*Hebrews 9:22
*John 3:16

Jesus is:
1. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
2. Our High Priest.
3. Our Redeemer.

What kind of gift do you want to give to Jesus today?

Jesus deserves our best gift!

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