Sunday Service: Good News

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(12-30-18) Ptr.

=Good News=

*Luke 2:10-11

What the good news brings to us?
1. It brings us true news. (Luke 2:10)
tidings: to announce good news
Validated by Luke, Luke 1:1-4
a. Fulfilled prophecy of Micah 700 years ago (Micah 5:2)
b. Witnessed by the Shepherd (Luke 2:20)
c. Treasured by Mary (Luke 2:19)

2. It brings great joy. (Luke 2:10)
"Are there reasons for them fo be joyful?"
*Their fear will be wiped out.
+Moses (Exodus 3:6b)
+Peter (Luke 5:8)
+Isaiah (Isaiah 6:5)

*They are included.
+shepherds (Luke 2:8)

*Isaiah 59:2
*Romans 1:18
*Romans 6:23

3. It brings salvation. (Luke 2:11)

Born--> man: qualified to represent the human race.

Christ--> annointed one (Hebrew: Messiah)
+Sent and annointed by God the Father for the Mission of Salvation.

Lord--> "kuiros"
+God can deal with the problem of our sins.

Savior--> "soter": deliverer

2085 B.C. Judaism: Abraham, Moses
1500 B.C. Hinduism: nonsingle founder
560 B.C. Buddhism: gautama Buddha
30 A.D. Christianity: Jesus made a new covenant.
610 A.D. Islam: Mohammed

"God in human flesh. He alone qualifies to be the Savior of the World; the Deliverer"

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