Sunday Service: Trusting God in Times of Famine

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(10-21-18) Ptr. Lynard Molo

=Trusting God in Times of Famine=

"God's economy is different from our economy."
"We can't control the circumstances of life, but we can control how we respond to them"

*Ruth 1:1-6; 19-22


*Leviticus 26:18-20

Consequences of Elimelech and Naomi's wrong decisions:
1. Elimelech died in Moab. (Ruth 1:3)

"Hindi lahat ng maganda para satin ay approved ng Panginoon."

2. There two sons married Gentile women. (Ruth 1:4a) (Numbers 25:1-3,9)

3. They lived in Moab for a long time. (Ruth 1:4b)

4. Elimelech and his family had fled Judah to escape death but they met just the same. (Ruth 1:5)

5. Naomi's heard abt God's blessings but don't experience it. (Ruth 1:6)

In times of difficulties and famines:
1. Trust God. (Wait upon God.)
+Do not fear. (Isaiah 41:10)
+Have faith. (Psalm 56:3)
2. Avoid sinning.
3. Fix your eyes on God.
"The eyes are the windows of your soul."
4. Be content and thankful of what you have. (Little is much when God is in it.)

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