Sunday Service: Keep on Believing

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Guest speaker: Ptr. Roger Stephenson

=Keep on Believing=

*Mark 9:24
""I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!""

*Mark 9:29
"He replied, "This kind can come out only by prayer.""

*Galatians 6:9
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."

How do we keep on believing?

["Life is full of stuffs and it keeps getting on my way."
"God knows what He is doing even though you don't know why it is happening?"
"Stuffs are the thing you don't know why is happening."
"Stuffs that make you fear."
"God is moving through faith."
"He wants you to go in process. And that process is not instant."
"God allows you to go with the hard times to achieve good stuffs."
"We are being impatient."
"You live according to God's promises."
"He built your entire body."
"The process is waiting to the Lord."
"We all have stuffs. They are caused by what are bombarding you today."
"In the process, it will help who you are.
God works by faith."]

1. "Cooperation is the key to acceleration in the spirit."


"God always start with the dream. A dream is something Big that you can't imagine."

2. "God works in your life by faith."
"Dream is God's fulfilling your destiny."

Dream--> Decision

"God is really doing good things in my life."
"Decision sets your direction in life. Keep on going right."

"God's giving you decision to dream."

3. "Wait upon the Lord."
Dream--> Decision--> Delay

"Delay is part of the process."

*Isaiah 40:31
"but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

"When God takes you in this process, He needs you to trust Him."
"If God is teaching you, make Him."

4. "Difficulty is the place of development."
Dream--> Decision--> Delay--> Difficulty

"There is a lot of issue in this process."

5. "God did I miss you on this one?"
Dream--> Decision--> Delay--> Difficulty--> Dead-end

"I always fail, God."
"But in this process, miracle takes place."

6. "You get your breakthrough."
Dream--> Decision--> Delay--> Difficulty--> Dead-end--> Deliverance

"Pursue so you can get your deliverance."
"God won't do what He can do until we do what we can do."

"God knows what He is doing."
You need to get into the process to get deliverance."

"Thank you and may God bless you in your dream."

You may visit this website to read God's one of His miracles.

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