Sunday Service: The Power of Touch with Faith

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(07-22-18) Ptr.

*John 20:17
*Luke 8:43-48

Manifestations of the Power of Touch with Faith
1. Fate has changed. (Luke 8:43) ; (Mark 5:25-26)
2. Faith has strengthened. (Luke 8:44 "..touched..") ; (Mark 5:27) ; (Leviticus 15:19-30) (Luke 8:45-47)
>Strong FAITH

Touch= "haptomai" : attached oneself to or to touch
*Latin: "tangere"
"Noli Me Tangere" = touch me not

•tangent (line touching the curve)

3. Fruit has yielded (Luke 8:44,48) ; (Mark 5:29)
>Complete Healing

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