Fire Up Fellowship: Reflection

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(02-16-19) Ptr. Lynard Molo


"Why self realization is important?"

"Perfect person is the one who works daily on self realization and self-improvement."

*Nehemiah 1:1-4
"1 The words of Nehemiah son of Hacaliah: In the month of Kislev in the twentieth year, while I was in the citadel of Susa,
2 Hanani, one of my brothers, came from Judah with some other men, and I questioned them about the Jewish remnant that survived the exile, and also about Jerusalem.
3 They said to me, "Those who survived the exile and are back in the province are in great trouble and disgrace. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire."

+Know the facts.

"If we don't know the facts, wala tayong realizations."
"We need to preach until something happens. Be initiative."

"4 When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven.""

+Deep Concern

"Nalalaman natin ang burden after we knew the facts."
"Kung mahal natin ang Diyos, dapat mahal din natin ang mga mahal ng Diyos."
"Huwag tayong maging selfish mga kapatid."
"Huwag tayong magpokus sa ating mga sarili."

*Nehemiah 2:5
"5 and I answered the king, "If it pleases the king and if your servant has found favor in his sight, let him send me to the city in Judah where my fathers are buried so that I can rebuild it.""

+Initiative to Act

"Tayo ang lalapit, at ipapakilala natin si Jesus Christ."
"We need to initiate."
"Kailangan natin ng initiative."
"We need to act."

*Nehemiah 2:17-18
"17 Then I said to them, "You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace."
18 I also told them about the gracious hand of my God upon me and what the king had said to me. They replied, "Let us start rebuilding." So they began this good work."

*Nehemiah 4:17
"17 who were building the wall. Those who carried materials did their work with one hand and held a weapon in the other,"

+Unrelenting Passion
-not slowing down, stopping or growing weaker.

"We need to create young generation leaders."

*Luke 10:2
"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.""

*Galatians 6:9-10
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."

To have self-realization:
1. Know the facts.
2. Deep Concern.
3. Initiate to Act.
4. Unrelenting Passion.

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