Sunday Service: Go in His Joy

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(08-12-18) Bro. Allan Barabat
[Go Beyond Series: Go in His Joy]

Biblical Truth about Joy
*John 15:11

God experiences joy
*Isaiah 62:5
*Zephaniah 3:17

"God wants us to experience that joy."
"What God desire for us, provides it for us."
*John 17:13

"Gusto Niya, Happy ka."

*Philippians 4:4
*Luke 15:10

Joy in Suffering (The Life of Joy)
*Luke 6:22-23
*Romans 5:3
*James 1:2
*1 Thessalonians 1:6
*Acts 5:41
*Acts 16:25

Source of Joy in Life (John 15:11)
1. Center of this Joy
("..My Joy..")
(Colossians 1:11)
("..always full of the joy of the Lord..")

2. Characteristic of this Joy
("..your joy may be full..")
(1 Peter 1:8)

3. Continuity of this Joy
("..remain in you..)

4S's Secret of Joy in your Life
1. Surrender Your Life to Jesus Christ.
2. Submit yourself totally to the spirit of God.
3. Study the Word of God.
4. Share Your Life with Others.

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