Sunday Service: Go in His Compassion

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(11-11-18) Bro. Allan Barabat

*2 Corinthians 1:3-4

"Compassion"--> abt the moment what is in your hand, which you are willing to share to a needy person.

*Luke 10:25-37 (Parable of the Good Samaritan)

1. Compassion is not academic. (Luke 10:25-29)

"You cannot show love or compassion if you do not know to whom you'll give it to."

"Compassion is not something that happened in our mind, it is something that happens in your hearts."

2. Compassion is not an abstract (Luke 10:30)

"Compassion is not something we do in general. It has specific moment that God wants you to be a blessing to others."

"Ppl does not care how much we know. Ppl wants to know how much we care."

3. Compassion is not afraid. (Luke 10:31)

*1 John 3:17-18

4. Compassion is not analytical. (Luke 10:32)

"Religious work does not make the worker religious."

5. Compassion is action. (Luke 10:33-35)

+"Compassion is about what you see."

+"Compassion is about what you do."

+"Compassion is about how you do it."

+"Compassion is about what it costs you."

"Pity, sympathy, empathy,  is something that you feel."

Pity--> Sympathy--> Empathy--> Compassion

"Genuine compassion is always involved in this. "

"Jesus the ultimate Good Samaritan."

*1 Peter 3:8

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