Chapter 18

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Dipper's POV

"Well...that was awkward," I smiled sheepishly. Pacifica was staring down the hallway at Stacy as she shambled around with another bowl of noodles.

"To be honest, I'm impressed that you could tell that I liked you. Usually it's the other way around," Pacifica mused.

I shrugged. "You know, there was no point keeping it secret. If you had just told me..."

both of us had realized that this conversation had no reason to continue.

"I'm going to go eat dinner and call it a day," I said. "I think we both need a break from sleeping on the ground."

Leaving Pacifica sitting on the bed, I walked down the hallway, past the bathroom, and reached the tiny kitchen, where Stacy's parents must have already eaten. Two bowls of cold noodles sat there, uneaten.

"Hmmmmph," Stacy pouted from the kitchen. "While you were chatting with your girlfriend, I made you both noodles three times. Now eat what you have, I'm not warming it up." Stacy marched back to the beds, saying something to Pacifica to "get off, I'm going to sleep,"

A few minutes later, Pacifica came down the hallway and began eating her cold noodles. We sat across from each other. The tension was pretty high, there was something Pacifica knew that she wasn't telling me.

"Pacifica, are you-" as soon as I began, she stood up and put her bowl in the sink, walking away.

"Huh." If I was correct, we were just fine ten minutes ago.

"Was it something I said?" I called after her.

There was no reply.

"Girls are so mysterious," I said to myself as I finished slurping my food and put the bowl in the sink.

The lights were already off in the bed area. Stacy and Pacifica looked almost asleep, squashed up in the small, bed and occasionally letting out sounds of annoyance while shoving each other.

I took my own bed to myself, getting under the sheets and sighing in relaxation.this mattress was the most comfortable thing I've touched in almost six days.

Sleep came for me quickly.

The next morning, I woke up to the sweet sound of Pacifica shrieking her head off.

"It's a BIG FAT RAT!" She screamed. I yawned and pushed myself out of bed to see what all the  commotion was.

Pacifica and Stacy were standing at the door of the camper, Pacifica still screeching and and Stacy just looking exasperated.

"Dipper WATCH OUT! The big rat will kill you!" Said the Northwest, her eyes wide with fear.

I looked down at the steps of the vehicle and there at a possum, looking at us with small beady eyes.

"Pacifica, that's not a rat," I informed her. She stopped yelling and listened.

"It's called a possum, it's a mostly nocturnal animal that usually comes around here," she relaxed a bit as I explained.

"It's harmless."

"I...I knew that!" she exclaimed. "I was just joking. Big rat, pffft!" She laughed nervously and dashed away.

"Some things we will never understand," Stacy sighed.

Once me and Pacifica had our stuff ready, with the help of Stacy's parents, we selected a track that would lead us to one of the small airports that carried bush planes around in the wilderness. We also got two tickets that the family had no use for, which had been given to them on a previous flights as a bonus.

"Thank you so much for everything!" Pacifica called, as we began walking away.

"You're welcome! Hope we meet again someday!"

Our spirits high and our hopes renewed, we began the journey once more.

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