Chapter 28

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Pacifica's POV

I'm glad Dipper let me open up the other day. It felt good, knowing that he was there to give me a shoulder to cry on. Today, he was taking me over to his friend's house. I was nervous about what this so called 'Zack' would think about me, and I was kind of reluctant at first.

"Look Pacifica, he's really cool," Dipper assured. "It'll help get your mind off...ya know..."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it," I snapped, trying to cover up my trembly voice, "let's go."

We walked down the neighborhood block for about five minutes before we reached a brick home, with freshly trimmed grass a an overall pleasant look. Dipper sauntered  up to the doorbell and rang three times, which normally I would have thought that was rude, but I guessed it was a secret-friend signal sort of thing. I waited shiftily on the porch until a boy about our age opened the door. He had short, almost black hair that was cut into a style where a bit of it cut onto his forehead in extreme bangs. He was wearing a white sweater and jeans.

"Oh, hey Dipper!" He and Dipper did a complicated handshake thingy I couldn't grasp, and they both stepped inside. I shied away and stood there like an idiot.

"Uh, hey, you wanna come inside?" Zack asked, his voice friendly but confused.

"Uh...sure." I nervously smiled and stepped into the house, which smelled of fresh cooking and made my mouth water.

Zack turned to Dipper and motioned at me. "Who's your new 'friend'?" The mischief was present in his voice. He wiggled his eyebrows at me. "Huh? Oh, I'm Pacifica. Don't get any ideas." I gave him a smile. I had a feeling this was going to be a fun boy.

We ended up researching challenges we could do for fun, and settled on trying to stuff one hundred straws into Zack's mouth.


Dipper sat at the computer. "Ah-ha!" He let out a yell of triumph. "I found a fun one." He winked at me and I snickered.

Zack looked from me to Dipper. "Something just passed between you. Spill!" He punched Dipper affectionately in the arm.

"Okay." Dipper started, putting extra drama in his voice. "We. Are. Going. To. Stuff a hundred straws into Zack's mouth!"

"What? I never agreed to this!" He ran out of the bedroom screaming. "Get him!" I started the mad chase around the house with Dipper at my heels.

"There he is!" Came Dipper's breathless laugh. We cornered Zack on the couch and tackled him and in the end, Dipper finally got him to agree.

"My secret?" He leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear. "Tickle him."

We all had a good laugh before rampaging the kitchen and collecting all the spare straws.

*end of flashback*

"Fifty one...Fifty two..."  I gave the boy a sympathetic look before sticking my tongue out teasingly. Zack made a sound of pure agony.

Dipper gave me a stern look. "Pacifica, don't sympathize the enemy. We still have forty eight straws to go."

"He doesn't look so good," I reasoned. Zack groaned.

"Ah, fine. Spit em' out, Zack," Dipper sighed in defeat.

Zack made a grateful motion at me and hacked up fifty-two spitty straws, gasping for breath. "Oh, that was traumatizing. I'm at your service, Lady Pacifica," he said playfully.

"Ha, come on. Let's do something else." Dipper motioned back up the stairs. "Hey, Zack, do you know if there's any paranormal stuff in California?"

The black haired boy shrugged. "I don't know. But we could find out!" His eyes lit up.

We spent the rest of the day exploring back apartment allies and shifty ghost-houses, and even though we came across nothing, I could say that was one of the most enjoyable days I had in a long time.

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