Chapter 29 - Cake

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Lucy's POV

After dinner, Evergreen insisted that I play with her "come on Lucy, lets play- ", "hey Lucy come meet my dolls" Bixlow interrupted. "Hey I was talking!" Evergreen exclaimed, "so?" Bixlow retorted. I could see Evergreen's eye twitching. Evergreen and Bixlow's argument was about to escalate when Freed interfered, "ok, calm down you two" Freed sighed. "STAY OUT OF THIS FREED!" Evergreen and Bixlow said in unison, Freed put his hands up in surrender.

"Lucy" Freed called out to me while Evergreen and Bixlow argued. I walked over to him, "do you want to help me make a cake?" he asked. I nodded very quickly "yeah, yeah" I said, jumping up and down.

We went to the kitchen where Freed had prepared all the ingredients. He placed a stool beside the kitchen counter for me to stand on. "Lets start" he said as he put me on the stool. Freed place the ingredients into the bowl and let me stir the mixture together. While I was stirring he placing the ingredients for the icing in another bowl and started stirring. "What are we making Uncle Frweed?" I asked, "sponge cake" he replied. "Oo yummy!" I said, excited to taste the cake when it was done.

Once I was done stirring the mixture, Freed put the mixture in a cake tin and put it in the oven. While we waited for the cake to be cooked Freed let me lick the bowl. Soon Evergreen and Bixlow came into the kitchen, "so this is where you were Lucy?" Evergreen said. "Have you two finished your argument?" Freed asked, "yeah" Evergreen and Bixlow said in unison while looking away from each other.

"The cake's done" Freed said, "oo! oo!" I said excitedly. Freed took the cake out of the oven and placed it on the kitchen counter. "Don't touch Lucy, it's still hot" Freed warned, "ok Uncle Frweed" I said happily.

"Bixlow and I have decided on a game for us to play while the cake cools down" Evergreen said. "What game do you have in mind?" Freed asked, "we're going to have a scavenger hunt!" Evergreen answered excitedly. "What are we looking for?" Freed asked, "my dolls" Bixlow answered. "The five that fly around you, Uncle Bix?" I asked, "yeah" he replied.

Evergreen explained that Bixlow's five dolls have all hidden themselves around the house and we have to find them. Whoever finds the most wins, "is Big Brother Laxus going to play?" I asked. "No, he's busy with paperwork" Freed answered, "paperwork?" I asked. "Laxus sometimes helps Gramps with his paperwork" Freed replied. Laxus was busy in his room sorting through paperwork.

We started the scavenger hunt for Bixlow's dolls. Freed was the first to find one in the bathroom then I found one under Laxus' bed. After a while Evergreen found one in the loungeroom. Bixlow won the scavenger hunt when he found two, one in his room and the other in Freed's room. "You cheated, didn't you?!" Evergreen accused, "no I didn't!" Bixlow counted. "I can't believe you would stoop so low as to cheat while a child was playing" Evergreen said. "I didn't cheat!" Bixlow countered.

"Lets leave them be" Freed whispered to me, I nodded in agreement and we both left to check on the cake. Luckily the cake had cooled down enough to put the icing on. Freed placed me on the stool and let me spread the icing on the cake. I was happy I got to lick the icing off the bowl. While I was licking the bowl, Freed decorated the cake with strawberries. He divided the cake and placed a piece of cake in each bowl for all five of us.

I helped place the bowls of cake on the dining table. "Lucy can you get Laxus please?" Freed asked me, "ok Uncle Frweed!" I said, skipping to Laxus' room. "Big Brother Laxus?" I said as I entered his room. Laxus was sitting at his desk holding pieces of paper, wondering where they go. "Yeah?" Laxus answered, "cake is ready!" I said happily. "I'm good" he said, "please come" I pouted, sadly. He turned away from his work and saw my sad expression. "Alright" he sighed, putting the paper that was in his hand on the desk.

"I've brought Big Brother Laxus!" I called out happily as we entered the dining room. Evergreen and Bixlow had joined us as I was getting Laxus. I sat between Laxus and Freed at the table, picking up my spoon eagerly. I noticed I had the biggest piece of cake out of all of them as I dug into the cake. "It's yummy!" I said after taking my first bite. "Lucy helped me make this cake" Freed said, "wow, good job Lucy" Evergreen complimented. "yeah, excellent work!" Bixlow complimented, "oo Bixlow and his fancy words" Evergreen said sarcastically.

While Evergreen and Bixlow start their millionth fight, I looked up at Laxus to see his reaction but he remained emotionless. "What?" he asked noticing my stare, "nothing" I said sadly. Freed seemed to pick up on my mood, "what do you think of the cake, Laxus?" he asked. Laxus looked at me, "it was very well made, good job Lucy" he said. I was pleased with that answer and went back to eating my cake.

After our dessert it was time for bed, I followed Laxus to his bedroom. Laxus laid down on his double bed while I was struggling to lift myself onto his bed. I was annoyed at how high his bed was. In defeat, I turned my back to the bed and sat down, then I heard Laxus sigh "I'll help you" he said as I felt his arm around my waist. He lifted me onto the bed with one arm, 'Big Brother Laxus is strong' I thought.

I tucked myself under the blanket and shuffled over closer to Laxus. "Goodnight Big Brother Laxus" I said as I close my eyes. "Yeah goodnight" he replied. "This might not be so bad" I heard Laxus mumble and I couldn't help but smile. 'I feel so safe being around Big Brother Laxus' I thought before dreaming of the fun all I'll have tomorrow. I'm excited to see what tomorrow will bring.

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