action/adventures: last of wisteria

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Judge: KatnissEverdeen12372

Title: Last of Wisteria

Author: Excellen21

Genre: Action/Adventure


The title is a good one for this book. It describes the story in 3 words. The cover is very beautiful, but I don't know how a girl sniffing a rose goes with the story that well. The description was very short and not very descriptive.



The beginning of this story was very interesting. I've heard the amnesia thing a lot before, but not exactly in this way. This story is very detailed, just a little hard to understand because of the way it is written.


Character Development:

The prince is developing very well, and so is Wisteria. I like Wisteria's personality.


Plot: The plot is intreging. I couldn't really tell, at times, who was speaking to who. Good idea for a story.



Most words are spelled right, it's the Grammer and punctuation that are a little worse. There are a lot of commas missing.


I enjoyed reading this story

Overall: 3.3/5

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