Chick Lit Too Many Words

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Book name: Too Many Words

Genre: Chicklit

Contestant name: EmeraldDeep

Judge Name: MusicReader92

Cover: 0.6/1

I like the picture you chose for your cover, but I'm not really too fond of how you put the title on it. I think you should have made the person smaller so you could fit your title on there, and also have chosen a different font for you title. The font just doesn't really match the picture, and it looks a little sloppy to me on the placement. Also, make your subtitles/username bigger (I almost missed them totally).

Title: 1/1

I really like this title, as it says something. What I mean by that is that the title is simple, it has character. It's got a deeper meaning. The subtitle also flows soo well with the title, I love it.

Description: 0.9/1

I actually really like the way you wrote your description. It fits the subject matter and seems very "spy-like" to me. It leaves the reader wondering what the answers to all those questions are. You definitely piqued my interest, so good job there. Only thing I would change is don't state that you don't know what you are writing, that just killed the vibe for me. But otherwise, it made me want to find out more, which served its purpose.

Beginning: 1.75/2

(Small side note that won't be counted towards score: your preface is technically the disclaimer). First off, your descriptions are great. You don't over describe things, yet you don't under describe them. You found a happy medium, and I think you are making it work so well. The flow is also really good, each sentence flows into the next well. I don't think you are using the semi-colon correctly this - ; - so I would just say not to use it at all then. That was really the only grammar problem I saw when reading the beginning. I really like the plot, and I find myself reading the chapters fairly quickly. The only thing I would say is a couple times I feel like the dialogue is really weird. I would suggest you say the dialogue out loud, acting as your characters through the scene to help with some of the dialogue. It just doesn't feel right to me, but that could just be me.

Total: 4.35

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