Chick lit Brew Books 1

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Book name: Brew Books 1

Genre: Chicklit

Contestant name: ellekirks

Judge Name: MusicReader92

Cover: 0.85/1

I actually really like this cover. The colors all blend, and match the title. The picture matches the title, everything just coordinates very well. One thing I would say though is to make it a little more eye-catching. This title probably wouldn't catch my eye in a bookstore, just because I feel like it is a little bit bland.

Title: 0.8/1

I can immediately tell that this book will revolve around coffee, just by the title and cover. After reading your description, I love how well the title matches. The title flows well, and it is very clever. I think that because it is a series though, you could just call the series "The Brew Books," while giving each book a different and unique title to match what it is inside. Although, I still really like how the title meshes with both the cover and the description.

Description: 0.9/1

The description is well written. It gives enough information for me to get hooked on the plot, but leaves enough out to pique my curiosity. The way it is written definitely piqued my curiosity. It left unanswered questions in my mind. Also, the plot seems really interesting and unique, even with the cliche barista love. The description fits both the title and cover as well, which is great.

Beginning: 1.6/2

So I am not from your area, my guess is you are British? But I have no clue what "the underground" is. Is that like a subway? I'm not sure, but just be careful with word choice, and when in doubt, go in depth. There are a few other things that I am wondering about, so I would overall just describe more. Even with that, your grammar is very good. I find myself saying this to a lot of people, but just work on flow. Yes, the entire chapter flows nicely, but each individual sentence could flow together better. I really like the way you describe your main character, and the scenery is also well described (except for a few things that I'm not sure what they are since I don't live in the same place as you. Overall, I really like this plot, and will continue to read it after judging!

Overall: 4.15/5

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