Humour : Funny Jokes

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Judge :KatnissEverdeen12372

Title . Funny Jokes

Author. XxCassandraClarexX

Genre. Humor


Since this is a joke book, the title describes the story. The cover is nice, it would be better if it had your username on it. The description is very upbeat and goes with the story. There's really nothing you can do to make the description longer.



I decided to judge this on the quality of the first joke. It took me a couple minutes of thinking to figure it out. I figured out the second one right away however. It may be a good idea to put a joke that people will get right away as the first one, just to get the audience hooked.



I judged this on how funny the jokes were throughout the whole book. Most of them are pretty funny, but a few take me a few minutes to figure out. There are a couple air never figured out at all.



There were a few Grammer mistakes in this books, missing commas, missing punctuation, a weird wording of a sentence, things like that.


I had a tiny bit of trouble judging this book, as it doesn't have a plot, or characters, or anything like that. I figured it out, though.

Overall: 3/5

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