your son has a girlfriend

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brandon: You a you were still skeptical about her. "This is my girlfriend." Your heart dropped having you drop the knife on the table. "Great. My only son has a girlfriend." You try smiling but it didn't look great on you.

edwin: "who's you're friend?" You asked with Edwin by your side. "Oh, she's my girlfriend from school." You frowned. "so that means you have girlfriends from other places?" Edwin exhaled. "Y/n that's not what he meant."

austin: "You have a girlfriend?!" You screamed. "I'm so proud of you!" Austin yells. "What grade is she in?! What does she look like? Is she mixed, single race? Are her parents together or divorced, or did they ever get married? Is she a virgin?" "Mom!" "Y/n!"

nick: "You have to keep this between me and you, because your mom, is going to flip." Nick whispers to his son. "Nicholas! Peter!" Their hearts dropped out their ass.

zion: "I'm not cool with it." You fold your arms. "Babe you haven't even met her yet." "Shut up Zion!" You look at your son. "I swear if she breaks your heart, I break her neck."

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