your daughter has a boyfriend

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brandon: "I'm not going to be the typical dad that says you can't have a boyfriend. But — I mean — there's so many other things you can have. Do you want a puppy?" Your daughter groans. "No I don't want a puppy."
"Do you want makeup?"
"You can have something else besides a boyfriend."
"Dad. I want a boyfriend and I have one."
"Okay, that's fine. I can get you backstage tickets to Beyonce."
"Brandon!" You yell.

edwin: "I see no problem with it." your daughter stare at Edwin in total shock. "Are you serious?" Your daughter asks. "Yeah."
"There's a catch." you whisper to your daughter. "You damn skippy there is."

austin: Austin sighs and looks at his daughter. "I don't think that's a good idea."
"Austin?" You call. "I'm not just saying that because I don't want you to have anyone. I'm just saying there's a lot of bad people out there."
"But he's not a bad guy daddy." Your daughter cried and went to her room. You then sit on the couch and Austin laid on your lap. "Uh-huh! I can't have a boyfriend."
"But I'm your husband."
"I guess I can't have that either." You move away from him and go into your daughters room.

nick: "Hell no! Oh hell no! You can't not and I don't want you near him." Nick yells. "Nick–." He cuts you off. "No! I mean it. I don't have time to kill nobody."
"Nick at least give him a chance."
"Chance my ass!"

zion: "I think the fuck not!" "Zion! Stop cussing!" Zion rolls his eyes. "I'm still saying no." Your daughter grew a fit. "Fine. If he breaks your heart, I break his neck."

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