he protects you from fans/paparazzi

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brandon: you and Brandon were walking in the airport and there multiple people there. They overcrowded you both causing you guys to bump into other people. Brandon had a hold of you by his hand keeping you close to him. "Brandon, I'm scared." You whispered. He nods. "Everyone back up! You're scaring her!" The security then begins to push everyone back and someone grabbed a hold of your hair. "Ahhh!" You then swing, hitting them in the face. "Let go!" Brandon screams. The security throws the other person across the room Brandon puts you in front of him.

edwin: you both were on a date and having an amazing time. Until Edwin had to go to the restroom. Leaving you there for a good five minutes you come across a couple of girls. "Hi." You greet them. "Hi are you the one dating Edwin?" You raise an eyebrow, "yeah?" The girl picks up your food and then throws it on top of you head. You blacked out and started swinging. Edwin then comes out and sees you. "Y/n!" He yells. Multiple staff had to come and help him get you. Once you were free, you began screaming at them calling them everything in the book. "Babe what happened?"
"They just came out of nowhere and attacked me."
"Get them out of here!" Edwin yells.

austin: Your were on the phone looking through your social media to see negative comments pop up on. You didn't know what was happening but you were thrown into the shade room. "Who gives a fuck about her anyway? She just wants clout. But the bitch is a nobody."
"She can play in traffic!" You began to ask what did you do to deserve all the hate you were receiving. Though there was a picture of you leaving a plastic surgeon but you were really there for a friend. "Babe are you seeing this?!" Austin comes running to you. "Yeah? I don't know why everyone is attacking me?"
"They're probably thinking you got something done."
"But I didn't."
"Don't worry about it babe." He begins typing on his phone. He took about ten minutes typing before you got a notification.
"The y/n hate train needs to stop. And I repeat stop. This is a bunch of nonsense that isn't true. Y/n was down there supporting a friend. I don't think she'd get surgery. And if she did I don't think it's any of your business. Y/n is a grown woman that makes her own decisions on what she wants to do with her body. You can praise everyone else but when it's her it's different. I suggest you all go and get off your asses and do something meaningful in life."

nick: you were walking with Nick hand and hand out the store and suddenly paparazzi overran you guys. a car begins to drive your way but Nick pushes you to the side only to get hit by the car. "nick!!!!" everyone began to get around him. "move!!!" you scream only to pick up his head. the police began to move everyone back and you scream, "why the hell are you all in the way!?"

zion: you were both headed out from a big party only for there to be flash photography. it was blinding you and you were slowly losing your balance. you nor zion could see. he takes out his glasses and picks you up as your face hides into his shirt. "is she drunk?!" one person says. "no! she can't see! these flashes are to much! back up!!!!" he makes his way through them but they are still speculating that you're drunk. "i said back the fuck up! and i'm not going to say it again!" he moves through the crowd.

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