how he is when you're labor

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brandon: he called his sister and his parents. wanting them to be there to see your first child. his body went numb when he saw you pushing the baby out. he couldn't hold back the tears.

edwin: even though he didn't know what to do he was there every step of the way. helping you breath and relax. he was with the baby all day and night.

austin: you were freaking out. you were scared but austin was there to calm you down. everyone was with you and there for you. austin was so supportive.

nick: he was ready to have the baby. he was steady with you and was able to help the doctors walk you through it. he was like an expert at it. once your child was out he kept an eye out for it when you were exhausted.

zion: he's panicky asf! your mostly checking up on him to see if he's alright. when you were in the hospital, you cried that there was an emergency but zion couldn't spit out what was wrong because you were too busy breathing. after the birth he held his child in his hands like his life depended on it. he was crying saying, "he'll never let go."

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