him as a brother.

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+ keeps you in the studio with him all day.
+ trust the boys around you (only for an hour or even thirty minutes that's all).
+ he lets you roam free but still asks everyone if they've seen you.
+ a wonderful care taker.
+ you're the older sister of the group whenever brandon isn't around

+ you constantly tell him to stop damaging his hair
+ doesn't listen to you
+ you and his girlfriend despise each other
+ edwin tries to keep the peace
+ he doesn't trust you around nick mostly
+ he's protective but not a lot
+ still wonders why you end up hanging out with the boys
+ "don't you have any girls to hang out with?"
+ "don't you have your own business to tend to."
+ notices you hang out with zion to much because you hit him a lot

+ instead of him watching over you, you watch over him.
+ you both argue a lot only because you're like his mom.
+ you're the little sister of the group.
+ when they saw your hair they were all over you and austin grew jealous
+ didn't want you around zion.
+ period.

+ he's hella over protective.
+ not that he doesn't trust you or the boys but doesn't trust your looks and theirs.
+ everyone thought you were gorgeous asf
+ they grew a crush over you
+ you had to stay away or next to nick every time they're around
+ you both argue a lot
+ though you have your fun moments
+ you're protective too over the boys
+ you're like the funny auntie

+ zion doesn't trust edwin around you
+ he said because edwin's lips and body are attractive to you
+ you didn't deny it
+ he also said brandon around you because his geeky cute ways are to easy to fall for.
+ he's fine with nick and austin
+ you both dance
+ you rap a little
+ you're an incredible dancer
+ they see the resemblance in you and zion thinking you're both twins.

prettymuch pref. book three Where stories live. Discover now