you bake together.

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brandon: you couldn't bake for shit. after multiple dozens of cupcakes kept burning but it was funny to you and brandon about how many times you'd rush to the kitchen only to see crispy cupcakes.

edwin: you tried baking but honestly it was your cup of tea so you bought a birthday cake and got messy. Making everything sexual, edwin would be eating the cake off you.

austin: was like your little helper. He just handed things to you, while playing with you. Things get a little heated due to the stove being on and you both took off your clothes only in your underwear.

nick: you both try to do everything right. Though somethings didn't work out. You walked away from nick for two minutes and he's already burning something.

zion: it's honestly play time for you two. You start with the big things first. Flour flies everywhere as you and zion act like big kids.

prettymuch pref. book three Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ