Chapter Fourtyfive

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My breath was still going fast when I followed him slowly, back to the glade. Lucas was a bit ahead of me, slowly flying down to wait at the ground for me, already stepping off from his glider.

I landed a bit away from him, taking my arms out of the mechanism and stretching them, giving him a confused glance.

"You're white as a paper, I'm gonna get you something to drink." He informed me chuckling, jogging over to the garage. I drowned in confusion. "Do I really look this pale?" I whispered quietly, disabling the mechanism around my feet and wanting to step off.

You do. He gave me the answer, quietly laughing while sitting on Lucas' glider. I stepped up a bit wobbly, using the front glass as something to hold on. Seems that your first time was fun, but please don't be mad at me, you're not used to it.

I rolled my eyes, groaning annoyed. "No shit Sherlock..." I groaned, sitting down beside the glider again and taking a deep breath when my vision started to black out a bit.

But you did good tho, and that even without my help. I sighed quietly, rubbing my cheeks to focus again. "Thanks I guess..." My voice was quiet and Fynn jumped off walking over to me and kneeling down in front of me.

Are you okay? He asked worried, touching my shoulder carefully. "Just a bit dizzy." I muttered but glanced up as soon as I heard steps coming closer.

Lucas was approaching towards me, a water bottle and a glass in his hands. The sound of shattering glass beside me told me that Fynn was gone again.

Thankfully smiling I took the bottle he handed me and opened it, drinking it halfway out. Lucas next to me laughed loudly, waiting for me to being finished. I closed the bottle again and looked up, taking a few deep breaths.

"Feeling a bit better?" I just nodded, putting the bottle into a special case in the front of the glider. "Yep thanks." He smiled slightly. "Happens often for the ones who are flying for the first time."

I locked my feet in place again and threw a glance at him. "Doesn't stop me though." He laughed and quickly jumped on his again, being ways quicker than I was.

Faster than I expected, we were in the woods again, flying closely behind each other, and practicing quick turns and direction changes.

I don't know how much time we spent, until I suddenly received a call from Alan. Instinctively answering it, I smiled at the Norwegian and leaned over to the left to follow Lucas.

"Christine I... I want to apologize." He started, glancing at the ground before looking up, his blue eyed meeting mine. "Wait where are you?"

I suddenly realised where I was and slowed down until I was hovering in the air. "Getting teached how to fly a glider?" I asked back, disabling my glasses.

Alan sighed and glanced to the side. "Seems like I can't tell you what to do eh?" He chuckled in an ironic way and glanced up again, his blue eyes luckily sparkled with positive amusement.

"Just like Andreas." I rolled my eyes, noticing that he was referring to his younger brother. "Who's teaching you?" Alan asked, leaning back in his chair.

Lucas was coming closer and I glanced at him for a second. "Lucas." I answered quietly and Alan smiled. "At least you're learning it from the pro then. How is she doing?" He raised his voice and Lucas laughed quietly, answering with a loud 'yes'.

It warmed my heart when I saw the slight proud smile appearing on Alan's face. "Can you stop for today? I have to tell you something." He suddenly turned a bit serious again and I asked Lucas the same thing.

He shrugged before he turned around back to the garage. "Welp that was a yes I guess." I laughed quietly, smiling at Alan again. "Well then, I'm in my office. See you there hun." He waved at me before ending the call before I even had the chance to say something.

Being a bit happy because he seeming accepted that I wasn't going to tell him where I've been, I followed Lucas quickly, getting off of the glider in front of the garage.

Lucas was already pushing his one back into the garage and I followed his example before smiling up to him. "Well this came to an unexpected end, but hey you're doing great!" He smiled, touching my shoulder slightly.

I blushed a bit and glanced to the side. "Thanks, it was really awesome!" Lucas laughed and pushed me away. "Come on, go already, I wouldn't let Alan wait!" Turning even more red, I waved at him before turning around and jogging towards the office building.

Using the scanner and waiting impatiently until the elevator was up on the right level, I entered the cabin and as soon as the doors open again, head over to Alan's office.

Suddenly slightly nervous, I knocked on the door and waiting for Alan's warm "Come in!" I entered the room and immediately bumped into his chest, his arms wrapped around me.

"Hey little one!" He chuckled and I just hugged him back tightly, not questioning what was the reason for his change of mind, just being happy that it happened.

"Hey Zero.." I whispered quietly looking up to him. He gave me a surprised glance before a big wide smile appeared on his face.

"I'm sorry that I was do rude to you... I just..." He started stammering to explain himself, stepping back a bit. I blushed a bit, lowering my glare for a second before stepping forward and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"No need to explain yourself idiot. Mistakes are happening and even you can't prevent them." I whispered, looking up to him while noticing that my face turned warmer.

"But I still love you, whatever may happen." I whispered, stepping on my tiptoes and kissing him. He smiled slightly before kissing back, wrapping his arms around me.

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