Part 19

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         "Yah I just want to be normal"


                   *2 months later*
It's been 2 months and you haven't talked to or seen Jacob. You try to avoid him.
Ever since Jacob locked you up you realized that the supernatural life wasn't for you. You started school 1 month ago. Your parents were back home.

         It's like nothing happened

You were walking to 3rd period (history)with Emma.

Emma:hey did you get that assignment done for history.
Y/N:yeah why....*sigh* did you not get it done?
Emma:no...that class is so hard.

          *Skip to end of the day*
You were waiting for Emma at the front of the school to walk were going to her house.
You see Emma through the widows on the doors.
She walks out. You noticed someone was walking with her.

Y/ *you said looking at the person standing next to her*
Emma:oh this is Amara..she's new. I thought she could come with us to my house.

You get to Emma's house and  You, Emma and Amara sit on the couch

Emma:so Amara where are you from?

Amara looks at Emma.

Amara:well...I'm originally from Romania.
Amara smiled at you.
Emma:so can you speak Romanian?
Amara: toata familia mea vorbeste Limba romana.
Emma:uhhh...what did you just say?
Amara laughed.
Amara:I said- *you cut her off*
Y/N: de unde esti din Romania?
Amara:Sighisoara *she looked at you surprised*
Emma:what in the heck did you guys just say and y/n you didn't tell me you knew Romanian.
Y/N:well I don't *you said confused*
Amara:first I said...."my whole family speaks Romanian"...then y/n asked me where I was from in Romania, which is Sighisoara.
Amara:y/n do you speak any other languages?
Y/N:um no...I don't think so.
Amara:well let's put it to the test?

Amara:Cuéntame sobre ti.
Translation: tell me about yourself.
Y/N:bueno, tengo 15 años, me encantan las cosas más extrañas y soy hija única.
Translation:well, I'm 15 years old, I love the show stranger things and I'm an only child.

Amara: Quelle est votre appartenance ethnique?
Translation: what is your ethnicity?
Y/N: Je suis hispanique, italien, bulgar
et allemand. Mais je ne parle pas les langues, au mions je ne pense pas que je le fais. *you say while furrowing your eye brows.
Translation: I'm hispanic, Italian, Bulgarian and German. But I don't speak the languages, at least I don't think I do.

Amara:wow that's pretty impressive...I've never met someone like you.
Y/ kinda is. *you say a bit confused while looking at Emma*
Emma:well..why don't we do something.
Amara:why don't we go out.
Y/N:out where?
Amara:well I over heard some of these girls at school talking about a party.
Emma: I don't see a problem with it...
You look at Emma.
Y/N:sure why not.

You go home and get ready for the party.
You decide to go with a simple red dress

 You decide to go with a simple red dress

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.



اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


You walk downstairs and wait for Emma

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

You walk downstairs and wait for Emma.
A part of you didn't want to go to the party..but you already said yes so.
You hear a knock on the door.
You open it assuming it was Emma.
Your were surprised to see the person you haven't seen or talked to in about 2 months.

Y/N:what are you doing here?
Jacob:I- we haven't talked in a while.
Y/N:maybe because I was avoiding you *you look down then back up at Jacob*
Listen, Jacob I can't be apart of your life anymore, I just...can't.
Jacob:y/n you can't keep hiding from me or yourself.
Y/N:Jacob...I've said this a million times, all I want is my normal life back. And that's what I was living before you came knocking on my door just now.
Jacob:I can't stay away from you anymore.
Y/N:your gonna have to.
Y/N: Jacob, I love you, I really do but I just don't want to live that life, I'm sorry.

You see Emma's car pull up the driveway.
Y/N:I have to go. I'm sorry. *you said looking back at him while walking towards Emma's car*

                   Skip to party

It's been about an hour of being at the party and your happy you went.
You, Emma and Amara were dancing.

Amara stopped dancing.
Y/N:hey you ok? *you said talking over the music*
Amara:um I'm just gonna go get some air.
Amara walked outside.

                 30 minutes later
You were at a table getting a drink when you realized Amara hadn't come back. You went outside to look for her.

Y/N:Amara? Amara?

You turned around to go back inside when you bumped into someone.

Y/N:oh, I'm so sorry.

You look up of the person to see his face.

You backed up.

Person: it's ok...I'm Damien.
Y/N: y/n *you said nervously*
He stepped out of the way so you could walked inside.
You walked past him. You felt his eyes on you while you walked back inside.
You went to find Emma on the dance floor.
Y/N:hey..have you seen Amara?
*you say yelling over the music*
Emma:no..she probably went home.
Y/N: yeah.....maybe.
You look over at the front door to see the guy you bumped into staring your way.

                   You ignored it.

                 Later on that night

You finally get home. Emma was sleeping over for the night.
Y/N:shhh...I don't want to wake my parents.
Emma:ok *she said giggling*
You both quietly walk up to your room.
You fall onto your bed.
Y/N:I'm so exhausted.
Emma: I know, me too.
Y/N:there was this weird guy at the party.
Emma:what did he look like.
Y/N: this is probably weird but he kind of looked like Connor.
Emma:what? The guy who kidnapped you?
Y/ doesn't matter..I was probably imagining it.
You and Emma change in comfortable clothes for bed.
You lay in bed trying to fall asleep.

You couldn't stop thinking about that guy.

                  To be continued

THE VISION(JS&JB Imagine) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن