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"You laughed, she got up and hugged you"

*Next day*

You were sitting at the island counter painting. You were painting wooden pieces that are parts of the babies cribs.
While painting a piece of wood pink, Jacob walked into the kitchen. He immediately smiled.

Jacob: hey, love.

You smiled blushing, you loved it when he called you 'love'

Y/N: painting the extra pieces for the cribs.

He walked over to you and grabbed a unpainted piece of wood.

Jacob: I'll help.

You nodded while smiling. He sat down next to you. You turn to look at him and kiss his cheek.

Y/N: I love you.

Jacob: I love you more.

Y/N: I love you the most.

Jacob: I love you to the moon and back.

He smiled.

Y/N: ok, you win.

He chuckled.

You continue to paint the pieces. About 10 minutes later you put down the last piece of wood you painted, you felt hot. You got up and got a glass of water. You look at Jacob who was across the island counter. He pushed his eyebrows together.

Jacob: is something wrong?

Y/N: I don't- I don't know. I feel....light headed.

As soon as last few words came out your mouth Jacob was immediately by your side. As soon as he was by your side you felt a pain in your abdomen. You groan in pain. It didn't hurt a lot. But it hurt.

Jacob: y/n? What's wrong?

Y/N: I think-

You screamed in pain holding your pregnant belly.

You move your hands to the counter helping you support yourself to stand.

Y/N: I- think I'm going- ahh!. Labor!!!

Jacob: but- but you can't! It's to early.


Jacob: i- i- I'm sorry. Umm. I'll call...Cameron!

Before calling Cameron he grabbed your waist and helped you walk to the couch and helped you sit down. He stood in front of you while he rushed to get Cameron on the phone.


Jacob: c'mon! Pick up the phone!


Jacob: hello?!

Cameron: I'm already here, don't worry.

Phone call ends*

A second after the phone call ended. the front door swung open. You heard rushing footsteps go down the hall and down the stairs.


You look behind you to see Sarah, Lucy following as well and chris.

Sarah's eyes went wide and she gasps.

Sarah: your going into labor?!!!


You became agitated.

Y/N: it doesn't matter!!!

Cameron set down the bag he was carrying and opened it up. Taking out a needle. He filled it with a clear liquid.

Cameron: this will lessen the pain.

You nod your head while you clutch onto the pillow on the couch. He put the needle in your arm. You feel the pain of contractions lessen but it was still painful.

Y/N: can't you just give me an epidural?!

Cameron: no..

Your eyes widen.


Cameron grabbed onto you shoulders and pulled you up to your feet.

Cameron: Go the guest bedroom.

Y/N: why?

Cameron: you don't wanna give birth on your bed do you?

The words 'give birth' hit you hard. You eyes widen and fear kicked in.

Y/N: give birth? I- I can't.

Jacob: it's ok, love. I'll be right there.

He grabbed onto your waist and guided you upstairs to the guest room.
He helped you get in bed. A few minutes after laying down Cameron walked in with a white sheet in his hand. Sarah walked in behind him with three small blankets. Then it hit you....


"I'm actually going to give birth"

To be continued

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