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  "I never want to see that man again"

Ever since your mom died you've been very distant with everyone. You don't come out of your room unless your getting food or something.
Jacob and your siblings have been trying to talk to you but you ignore them.
For some reason you were taking everything that happened with your mom worse than every one else.

You were sitting in your room when Sarah came in your room.
She looked at you sitting in the middle of your bed doing nothing.
Sarah walked over to you.

Sarah:y/n? We're going to see mom? You coming? *she said softly*

You look at her with a blank look.


You didn't want to see her grave..it would hurt to much.

Y/N:I said no..

Sarah looked down before walking out.

You sat on your bed thinking. You had so many things running through your mind.
You suddenly thought of Amara. You wondered if she was alive. You couldn't believe you would even think about her after she stabbed you and snapped your neck. But you had an idea.

You had to find her.

You closed your eyes and envisioned her.

You saw her...in a room that looked familiar. 
You open your eyes quickly and got up from your bed. You grabbed a bag and ran downstairs to one of the kitchen draws where there was a syringe.
You grabbed it putting it in the bag.

You walked over to where she was.
Jacob's house.

You walk in because no one was home they all went to go see your mom.
You walk down to the basement to see Amara sitting against the wall.
Amara turned her head towards the door thinking it was Joey or Jacob.
She quickly got up and ran to the door.

You kept your distance from the door.

Amara:y/n? I thought you were dead
Y/N:I was..

Amara:well...what are you doing here?
Y/N:I need something from you..
Y/N:first...are you gonna be difficult with me?
Amara:y/n...I killed you..my friend. I would do anything to make up for it.

You thoughts " well you can't make up for killing someone"

Y/N:your blood.

Amara furrowed her eye Browns


Y/N:just stick your arm out of the door.

She put her arm out of bars on the door.
You take out your syringe and put in Amara's arm. You take some blood and put the cap on the needle so Jacob or Joey can't smell it.

You quickly run out of the basement and begin to walk to to the front door.
You open the door and you walk next door to your house.

You go up to your room and put the syringe in one of your draws.

Sarah,Chris or Lucy weren't home yet.
You thought you would go downstairs.
You go and sit at the island.
You go over to the fringe grabbing a water bottle and sit back down.

                   •5 minutes later •
You hear the door open and watch as your siblings walk in.
You get up and go to your room when
You hear Chris call your name but you ignored him.

You get up from your bed grabbing your bag and the syringe.
You look in Chris,Sarah and Lucy's bedroom to see if they were asleep.

They were all asleep.

You walk downstairs quietly. And go to the shed in the back yard to grab a shovel. You grab the one with a short handle so you could put it in your back pack.

You grab Chris's car keys and drive to the cemetery.
You were hesitant to go in.
You found the courage to go in and walk to your mothers grave. You looked at her gravestone.
You read the words. Mother, wife, and friend.

You began to dig.

When you finally got to the bottom you got down in the hole and opened your mothers casket.

You looked at her. You see her body hasn't started desiccated yet.You almost felt tears forming but you pushed them back trying to stay strong.

You take out the syringe and put it in her arm. You insert the blood and climb out and sit next to her grave hoping she will wake up.

                   •2 hours later•
She still hasn't woken up. She was supposed to by now.
Y/N:why aren't you waking up?!

You felt tears in your eyes. You got up and drove back home.
When you arrived home you sat at the island.
You felt frustrated.

All you wanted was your mom back.

You felt terrible.

You looked through the cabinets in the kitchen when you came across your moms favorite bourbon.
You grabbed it out of the cabinet and looked at it.

You grabbed a glass and poured some.
You took a sip and felt a slight burn while it went down your throat.
You took a few sips before throwing it at the cabinets ahead of you. You watch as it shatters.
You held you head in your hands upset and frustrated.

Y/N:no no no...

You hear footsteps come down the stairs to see Jacob coming down the stairs.

Jacob: guys...she's down here. *he said softly yelling upstairs*

Jacob walked over to see you crying.

Jacob:hey..what's wrong? *he said softly..while rubbing your back*

You look at him them wrap your arms around him. He hugged back.

Y/N:she's gone..she's actually gone *you cried into his shirt*
Jacob rubbing the back of your head not knowing what to say.

Y/N:I tried everything I could...
Jacob pulled away held your face.

He looked at you with a questioning look.

Jacob:what do you mean you tried everything?
You ignored the question.You walk back to the island and grab the bottle of bourbon. You took a sip which let to drinking more.
Jacob ran over to you trying to take the bottle from you.

Jacob:woah! You don't need to drink that.
He tried to grab it.
You snatched it back preventing him from grabbing it.
You looked at him. Then threw the bourbon bottle in the ground shattering it. You look down to see your bloody foot.
Y/N:I cant do this.. *you cried*
Jacob stepped over the class to you and hugged you

Jacob:I know it's hard...but we'll get through this.
You calmed down when he hugged you.

Y/N:I love you. *you said while you were still slightly crying*
Jacob: I love you more.
He put you on the counter and grabbed a rag and soaking it in water. He pulled out the glass. Then wiped away the blood before bandaging it up.
Jacob picked you up and took you to your room. He laid you down on your bed and began to walk out of the door.
He turned around.
Y/N:don't leave..
You put your hand on the space on your bed for him to lay down.

He got into the bed. You put your head on his chest.
He rubbed the back of your head.

Y/N: I'm sorry..
Jacob: for what?
Y/N:for earlier.
Jacob:no don't apologize...you were keeping in your feelings. It's not good to do that.

You felt him kiss you head.
You smiled.

You fell asleep.

                     To be continued

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