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                      "I love you too"

                  The next morning
       The nurse came in with papers.
Nurse:uh um..can u tell me what you were bit by again?
Y/N:an animal *you look at Jacob*
Nurse:well we found DNA in the wound. It doesn't look like any animals.
You had a worried look on your face.
Nurse:it doesn't look like a humans either.
She looked at you.
Y/N:I don't really remember to be honest.
Another nurse came in with wires and needles. She began to hook all the wires up.
She tried to put the IV in your arm.
Y/N:what are you doing?!
Nurses: we have to put it in your arm.
Y/N: why?
Nurses: you've lost a lot of blood.
You looked at what the bag the iv was connected to.
It was blood.
Y/N:why is there blood?
Nurses:like I said you lost a lot of blood.
You let her put the IV in while you looked at Jacob and held his hand.

Jacob:if you let me give you my blood, we wouldn't be here.
You sigh.
Y/N: fine.
Jacob looked at you.
Y/N:I'll drink your blood...I just want to get out of here.
Jacob bit his wrist and held it to your mouth. You placed your mouth were the blood began to drip.
After you drank the blood you felt your bite wound start to close.
You heard your parents come in.
Your mom looked at you.
Y/M:why do you have blood. *she said pointing to a spot on her mouth indicating you have blood there*
You wiped it and looked at your hand and saw the blood smeared.
Y/N:Jacob healed me.
Jacob:he wants you to be careful. *jacob said looking at you*
Jacob:if you die with my blood still in your system...you'll become a vampire.
Your eyes widen.
Y/N:well why would I out of no where just...die.
Y/D:anything can happen.

A few minutes later the nurse came in.
Y/N:uh nurse my neck is fine...can I go home?
The nurse looked your neck.
Y/N:miracle. *you say while looking at her*
Nurse:well I'll have to go talk to your doctor.
You nodded your head.
she walked out.

Y/N:I cant wait to get out of here.
Y/M:we have a surprise for you at home. *she smiled*
Y/N:what is it?
Y/M:it's a surprise.

The doctor checked on you and let you go..your parents checked you out.
Lucy drove with mom and dad.
You went with Jacob in his car.
You arrived at home. You got out of the car.
You went inside and looked in the living room to see two people sitting on the couch.
You didn't know who they were. They got up and turned around.
Their eyes widened and smiled.
You didn't know how you automatically knew who is was.
You smiled and ran towards them and hugged them.  It was Sarah and Chris.

Sarah:omg we missed you so much. *she said while hugging you*
You hugged Chris.
Y/N:I'm so happy to see you guys.
Chris:we are too.
Lucy came in and smiled. You all hugged. Like your mom said something would click. She definitely was right. It wasn't even weird.
Jacob just smiled and watched how happy you were.

You all sat down in a circle.

Lucy:now let's all get to know each other...for y/n.
You look at her..
Lucy:grab each others hands. And close your eyes.

You did as she said and you felt all these things go rushing though your body like air rushing past your face.

You open your eyes and look and Chris,Sarah and Lucy who were looking at you.
Y/N:what just happened?
Chris:we just told you everything about ourselves.
You were confused.
Sarah:what is my favorite color?
Y/N:maroon. How did I- *you smile*
Chris:what's my favorite food?
Y/N: fish.
Chris smiled.
Lucy:we also know everything about you.
Sarah:your favorite food are tacos and your favorite color is light pink and you are in love with Jacob.
Your eyes widen.
Y/N:ok ok enough. *you nudge her*
She laughed then looked at Jacob sitting on the couch.
You turned around and smiled at Jacob.
You got up and sat next to Jacob.
He wrapped his arm around you and kissed your forehead.
Jacob:come on. *he said standing up*
You look up at him.
Jacob:you'll see.
You get up and follow Jacob. You look back at Chris,Sarah and Lucy who were smiling.
You gave them a glare.
They saw you and laughed.
Jacob guided you to his car. You got in while he went over to the drivers side. He pulled out of the driveway.
You see that you guys arrive on the dirt road from that one day.

Y/N:Jacob, why are we here?
Jacob smiled then came to a stop and speed ran to your side.
You got out and grabbed his hand while he led you forward.
You see a little table with lights on it.
Y/N:Jacob...what is this? *you said while you stop walking*
Jacob smiled and pulled you along.
You went over to the table and saw a big poster on it. It said "flip me over"
You flipped it over and you gasp.
You felt tears of happiness.
It said. "Will you be mine"
You see Jacob get down on one knee.
You look at him and he pulled out a little box. He flipped it open. You see a ring. You hands cover your mouth.

Jacob:I promise to love you always and forever

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Jacob:I promise to love you always and forever. Will you be mine?
You nodded you head yes.
Before Jacob put on the ring you hug him. You pull away. He wiped away some of your tears.
He put on the ring.
Y/N:I love you so much.
You kissed him.

You guys get home and you see Chris,Sarah and Lucy watching 'I love lucy' 😂
They heard you come in.
Sarah:how did it go.
You smile then roll your eyes.
You hold up your ring showing them.

You and Jacob go up to your room.
Jacob sat on your bed.
You put your stuff on your desk. 
Jacob:are you tired?
You look at him.
Y/N: no.
You walk over to him and sit on his lap facing him. You wrap your arms around his neck. He put his hands on your waists
You lean in and kiss him.
You push him down on the bed.
He flipped you over.
He snaked his hands down to your thighs.
You smile against his lips.
You pull his shirt up taking it off.
Jacob pulled away from your lips and kissed down your jaw line to your neck.
You felt his fangs rub against your skin.
He immediately went back up to your lips.
You pull away.
Y/N:I trust you.
Jacob: I don't trust myself.
Y/N:its okay.. *you hold the back of his head*
He kissed your lips.
He went back down to your neck.
You feel his breath..he was hesitant.
You grab the back of his head.
Y/N:it's okay. *you say breathily*
Your feel him kiss your neck. Then sink his fangs into your neck.
You moan in pleasure.
You feel his hands on your waist tighten.  You wince in pain from the grip.
Y/N:Jacob *you whispered breathily*
His grip tighten even more.
You feel his fangs unattach from your neck.
He looked at you then at your waist.
Jacob:I hurt you... *he looked at the marks on your waist*
Y/N:no it's ok.

You kiss him.

               You guys made love ❤️

                      To be continued
1358 words

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