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"Emotionally...not anymore"

It's been about 3 days in the hospital.
The doctors have been giving you your daily medicine.
It was absolutely disgusting.
Your bones were still broken.
But the doctor said they could release you today.

You were talking to Jacob when the doctor came in.

Doctor:good morning. *he smiled*

Y/N:morning...any news?

Doctors:um yes. We can release you today. But you have to take it easy.

Y/N: yes.

The doctor walked out and you looked at Jacob with excitement.
You just absolutely hated hospitals.

Chris came and checked you out since he was the only legal adult.

Chris: are you ready?


Jacob pushed the wheelchair you were in.

Y/N:can I stay at your house for tonight Jacob?

You feel Jacob look down at you while he pushed you across the parking lot.

He stopped at his car. He pushed you over to the passengers side.

Jacob:ok I'm gonna have to lift you up. You ready.

Y/N: yep.

Jacob:if I hurt you..tell me.

You look at Jacob with a sincere look in your eyes.

Y/N:you won't hurt me.

Jacob lifted you up like you were a feather.

Y/N: Jacob.. I'm so heavy *you laughed*

Jacob:y/n I'm a vampire. To me your as light as a feather.

You giggled before wincing in pain.

Y/N: ow..

Jacob:am I hurting you?

Y/N:no..I laughed.

Jacob nodded his head slightly while opening the door with his foot.

Y/N: I could've opened it with my not injured side of my body.

Jacob:it's fine.

He bent down a bit to put you in the seat. He pulled the seat belt across your body and buckled it.

He put the wheel chair in the trunk.

He got in the car and started up the car.

•Jacob's house•

You arrive at Jacob's house.
He got out of the car and opened the trunk and pushed it over to your side.

He opened your door and unbuckled you. He took you out and put you in the wheel chair. 

You arrive at the door finally. Jacob opened the door.

Y/N:I hate that you have to do everything.

Jacob:I'm fine. It's for you. I'd do anything for you. *he smiled*

He pushed you over to the living room.

You heard foot steps come down the stairs. You didn't look back because you couldn't.

Joey:hey y/n...how you doing?

You gently smiled.

Y/N:I've been better.

Joey:you could've just healed with-

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